How to Collectively Summon a Nuclear War Apocalypse?
Today, you will learn how to manifest the end of the world as we know it. Law of Attraction for nuclear war. Don’t worry - we’re doing a great job of it already.

A recipe for manifesting a nuclear apocalypse:
Focus all your attention on the conflicts happening around the world. Infect yourself with the feeling of dread, suffering, and hopelessness.
Always assume the worst-case scenario. Any one of these can cause World War III!
Religiously watch all the news and follow the fearmongering—anything to cement the belief that a nuclear apocalypse is inevitable. Believe, and you shall receive.
Visualize the end happening, everyone dying and suffering. Every day, sit in meditation and immerse yourself in the vision of what life would look like in a nuclear apocalypse.
Ask yourself who I would be and what it would look and feel like to live in a nuclear apocalypse. What would I do? How would I survive? What would happen to my loved ones?
Give in to your fear and have no doubts that the end is already here. Feel the fear in your bones. Feel the horror and suffering. Make it seem real.
Bring this vision into the present. There’s no maybe! It’s already done! It’s already here. You can feel it, hear it, see it all around you.
Pretend that you are already living in a nuclear apocalypse. Talk about it in past and present tense. Imagine reading the news about cities being nuked. Get up, dress in protective gear, wear masks and Geiger counters to work. When driving or walking around your town, see in your mind's eye that it is already in ruins. Have pretend conversations with people in your mind about the horrors of nuclear war and living in the apocalypse.
Know, don’t believe, that it’s already happened. It’s not coming. It’s not somewhere in the future. It’s here now! It’s done, and there is nothing you need to do to make it so because it’s already done. It was always inevitable.
This simulation we live in is a mental universe. As within - so without. Leave nothing to chance. On the inside, in your mind, you must become a survivor of a nuclear war, an apocalyptic wasteland dweller. See nothing but news of war and destruction and ignore reality. Nothing outside you means anything. Ignore the peace, kind people, prosperity, abundance, and safety. It’s not real. It’s an illusion. The true reality is the one in your mind, and it is horrific. Radiation, devastation, and mutants are everywhere!
Congratulations, everyone - we’ve manifested a nuclear apocalypse!
After that sarcastic introduction, it’s time to get to my point.
The recipe from above is accurate
It’s how we manifest and direct the universe to do our bidding. Most of the time, we don’t know we’re doing it, but we’re still doing it. All those things you feared that came true - you did it.
Congratulate yourself - you are a master manifester, a proper director of your destiny.
I mean it. When you take full responsibility for everything in your life, including the unwanted, you are much closer to being a master of your reality.
You either create everything or nothing. You can’t have it both ways.
Fear is incredibly powerful for manifesting
Fear is a powerful emotion. Most of the time, we can’t stop our fears from manifesting because we can’t even stop them from ruling over our minds and emotions.
Not only that, but these negative scenarios we imagine seem so real and sure to happen. No doubt or belief is necessary - we just know bad things will happen. So they do happen. Puff! Like magic.
We manifest our deepest fears effortlessly
The more we fear and resist them, the more focus and power we give them. The more we fight, the stronger it gets. The more we talk about it, try to prevent it from happening, and try to prepare ourselves, the more attention we are giving the very things we don’t want to experience. It’s an ever-increasing loop, and we can’t get out.
Compare your desires with your fears
Which emotion is stronger in you?
Which potential future do you naturally believe is more likely to happen? The one you fear or hope for?
What comes more naturally to you, fear or love? Optimism or pesimism?
When we desire something, we are fighting ourselves in the process. We desire a thing because we lack it. We want something because we don’t have it. A feeling of not deserving it or that it is impossible for us to get what we want often accompanies this state.
None of these blockages to manifestation exist with fear
Do you ever doubt that you deserve to experience the things you fear? No, because you are confident that bad things will happen.
Do you ever think the things you fear so horribly are impossible to happen? No! You fear them because you believe they are likely to occur. Whether that’s based on empirical evidence doesn’t matter (flying, for example).
Do you believe you must do all sorts of manifesting processes, meditate, visualize, affirm, create dream boards, and journal to bring about the things you fear? No! You are certain they will come, and you don’t have to do anything to make it so. In fact, you believe you might not even be able to stop the universe from giving you what you fear, don’t you?
Do you go around seeking coaches, success testimonials, and ever-new knowledge to make it happen in your reality? No, because you have faith that it will happen.
Do you check on the progress, interpret every little thing as confirmation that it’s coming, and give up on the slightest sign that it may not come? Hell no! You know it will come, and you are shaking in your boots. You don’t need or even want to see evidence contrary to what you fear, don’t you? Oh no, you hold on to that vision of terror as if your life depended on it.
Can you see it yet?
Do you see why you’re so good at manifesting all the things you fear without being aware of it or having to do any “work” for it? Is it any clearer why the things you desire are infinitely more difficult to manifest for you?
The collective manifestation of fears
What is the collective manifestation effort regarding World War III and a possible nuclear apocalypse?
Look around:
What do people believe?
What do they focus on in connection to nuclear war?
Do they fear it?
Do they resist it?
Do they get angry about it?
Do they watch the news for any sign that it’s cooking?
Do they talk about it?
Do they just know it’s a real possibility?
This universe of ours is fascinating and weird
We all live together in the same world yet are experiencing it in a personalized manner.
Multiplayer video games offer a similar experience
While we play the same game, each player encounters different enemies, characters, and situations, all responding to their individual characteristics. We also participate in groups where we play the same game on the same level.
Something similar is happening with our reality. Collective beliefs, focus, and attention reproduce themselves in perceived reality. I don’t know if we just ride this wave solo or if it’s a collective effort, but I am convinced of one thing.
We determine what happens within the scope of our personal reality
Maybe that means we live in our own dreams and experience what we believe alone (quantum jumping different realities or simulation adapting to our story). In this case, we can altogether avoid a nuclear war if we choose so within our minds.
Maybe that means that even if we collectively manifest a reality, the process and the outcome of that reality are determined by our individual minds (if and how we survive, for example). In this case, we must partake in a collective reality, but we can choose the details based on what we focus on and believe.
In any case, let’s not find out, shall we?
If we know that giving World War III and the possibility of nuclear apocalypse our attention, especially fueled by existential fear, we might want to do the opposite.
There are no idle thoughts
Our minds create our realities all the time, without exceptions and pause. Be very careful what you give your attention to and what you believe will happen. Either way, we will experience on the outside what we see on the inside.
When you feel stricken by fear, ask yourself:
Do I want to manifest the essence of this fear into my life?
If the answer is no, you had better make damn sure you don’t spend any extra attention on it. Find a way to overcome this fear, make peace with it, and find “faith” in a better outcome.
You don’t want to create what you fear in your life, and the only way to stop it from happening is not to fight it but to stop thinking about it entirely.
Choose well, dear friends.
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