An Inconvenient Problem With Being a God - Victim Blaming
How can you be a victim if you’re the master of your reality? Who creates the monsters in our world? Why do some people become victims of violent crimes?
Topics and ideas discussed today will be unpleasant for many of you, but they are important. We’ll be talking about the connection between victims of violent crimes and why they are the ones who attract such horrible fates. In no way, shape, or form are we blaming the victims for their tragedy and suffering. It is not intended as victim blaming! This is important, especially since even if what we talk about in this essay is literally true, everyone does it unknowingly and unintentionally. Lack of knowledge and understanding, however, is no excuse if we want to ensure we never end up as one of those victims. We study these ideas not because we blame or shame anyone but because we are trying to prevent ourselves from sharing their fate.
This essay explores this painful and divisive topic of victim blaming and the reality of creating our living experiences with our minds. Can we be empowered by our capability of manifesting our dreams without the danger of also manifesting our deepest fears?
Violence is everywhere, and people fall victim all the time
As a father, I feel flaming rage within me every time I read about any sort of violence against women. This rage burns and burns and wants to consume the world in the most gory way possible. It demands vengeance, murder, and mayhem! My heart is broken every time I hear or read about some girl being raped, beaten up, or murdered at the hands of men.
In the old days, I wanted to dedicate my life to hunting these monsters, protecting the weak, and purging evil from the face of this planet. Now, a little older and wiser, I realize there is only one sure way of protecting ourselves from these monsters: not creating them in our minds and, therefore, in our lives.
There is so much news regarding rape, violence, and murder everywhere it boils my blood. One could quickly come under the impression that we are all in immediate danger all the time.
This, of course, is a lie
It’s an illusion that being privy to information from all over the world mercilessly affects our minds. The world is enormous and statistically speaking, someone gets hurt every second of every day somewhere in the world, but that says nothing of the realistic probability of something bad happening to us.
Here’s a horrible statistic: Every minute, approximately 49 people globally are raped, robbed, killed, or experience violence. That’s practically one every second of every day!
Playing with some statistics and doing generalized calculations, we can come to the odds of something terrible happening to any one of us this year at about 0.5%. In other words, one person in 200 people will become a victim of a violent crime (rape, robbery, violence, murder) globally.
The math was done by Chat GPT, so it’s an immutable truth (sarcasm). You can check it out here.
The why of victimhood?
Today, we will be trying to find an answer to one of the most horrific and unpleasant questions in existence - why are certain people, one in two hundred, the ones who experience this misfortune?
We will not examine material and outside circumstances which are more or less known. Our focus will be on the internal—the minds of the victims themselves.
Why is this such an unpleasant question?
Because we will look at it it from a very particular perspective—one in which we are all the masters of our reality. It will be our predisposition, right or wrong. We’re assuming this is true for this exercise. The mind creates our reality, and whatever the mind contains, we experience as our reality. Think:
“As within, so without. The mind is all. We live in a simulation. The Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption are the governing laws of the universe. We are the Gods of our reality. Nothing outside the mind is real. What you can conceive in your mind, you can achieve. Our thoughts decide what we experience in our lives.“
Sounds familiar? Of course, it does. Some call it prayer, and others call it the Law of Attraction. I like to play with it from the point of view of a mind-made simulation. The phrasing is irrelevant. Before we go on, I invite you to read this post about what a dream-like reality would look like and what that would mean.
If you are playing with these ideas, and are coming to similar conclusions as millions of your peers, that is, that the mind determines everything in your reality, you are now presented with a problem.
What problem? The problem of your need and desire for there to be exceptions to the rule, and there can’t be any.
If your mind determines everything in your life, or if you prefer, that God is all (spiritual/religious view), then nothing can happen without it being first contained in your mind (or the will of God). You are the source of everything - no exceptions.
You cannot have it both ways.
You can’t create your desired reality by thoughts alone and then claim victimhood when unpleasant things happen. The mind is either the true reality, and this perceived reality is an illusion of the mind, or the mind is powerless to make changes in this reality.
You and your mind are either the source of everything or nothing!
So which is it? You decide, but accept the totality of what that means with all your heart. You can’t walk on both paths at the same time.
The same dilemma arises for those who honestly reflect on their relationship with God. If God is all and God is good, then there can be no exception to that statement. God is all, including the good and the bad—yes, including the most evil, horrific things imaginable.
If we are all God (alternative spiritual perspective) and the whole universe is essentially God (or one mind), then again, there can be no exceptions. We are all one. All means all.
If we live in a dream-like world, simulation or illusion, everything is effectively like a dream. It’s all just a projection of our minds. Nothing is real, material, and separate from us. All the people we encounter are, by definition, not real and are all essentially the product of our minds, as are their actions. Read - The universe is perfect, where I delve further into this concept.
If what we see in our minds creates these things and events and attracts people into our lives, then this includes all the bad things as well, not just the good. If you can manifest the perfect lover with your mind, you’re also, by definition, manifesting the people who annoy or hurt you. Read - If Your Mind Creates Reality, What Does That Make Other People?
Most of you will likely have a problem with this idea and call it victim-blaming
Bad things happen to good people all the time, I agree. There is a thing called randomness that determines what will happen. Well, this is where we hit a wall, don’t we?
If it’s all random, then we have no control. If what happens is just a probability matrix, and we have no influence on it, then why study the Law of Attraction, your mind, or pray to your God? It’s all random, anyway.
Religious people, who don’t understand that if there is a God, as they believe him to be, then everything is his will, as there is nothing but God, are then the ones who often question their fate by asking: “If there is a God, why does he allow innocent people to suffer?”
Unfortunately, the answer is simple but unpleasant. God either doesn’t care (it’s his will), or he can’t do anything about it (he’s not omnipotent). Therefore, he’s no God at all.
Something similar can be said of the Law of Attraction. It either works for everything all the time (your mind is the source) or never for nothing. You can’t have it both ways.
Have you made your decision yet?
Are we or are we not creators of our realities?
Do we or do we not control our fate?
Does the mind determine this three-dimensional reality, or is it powerless?
Can the mind manipulate our reality or not?
Is God real or a made-up boogeyman meant to scare the simple folk into submission?
If you’re still here, I’m going to assume you’re not ready to give up on the idea that your mind controls your reality. Good. Remember, we’re just playing with ideas here.
Before we continue, let’s agree again that we’re not saying that the victims are asking to be attacked, they want it or have made it happen - intentionally, rationally, and consciously. They most assuredly did not! No one in their right mind would.
The above paragraph hides a hint to our question. None of us deliberately, intentionally, and with desire cause bad things to happen to us. But if we are indeed the creators of our fate and our minds are the cause of everything in our reality, then we are still the ones creating everything. Perhaps unwillingly. Perhaps we can’t help it. Perhaps even despite trying our best to achieve the opposite effect.
The fact (if the premise is accepted) remains the same:
Nothing can exist or happen to us unless it is contained in our minds first.
No one outside our minds has any power over us unless we give them that power.
Our minds are the source of everything in our lives, the good and the bad.
What then causes a person to become the victim of a crime, accident, or worse?
There is only one answer, isn’t there? The mind. The answer to most questions is the mind. The cause is always contained in the mind. It may not be in the conscious part, but if the mind creates everything, there is nothing that does not originate in the mind.
As we’ve established, no one in their right mind would do this to themselves consciously and intentionally, and yet, we all do it to ourselves anyway. How can this be?
We don’t get what we want - we get what we believe
Your mind determines your reality. The mind automatically creates the essence of our most dominant thoughts, our beliefs. It doesn’t judge them. It only prints the content of your mind into your perceived reality. Whatever it may be.
If you’re a student of this idea, you’ve no doubt noticed specific patterns that keep repeating in your life and have traced them to some old beliefs, ideas, thoughts, or fears you unintentionally held. You might even have noticed these patterns and correlations in other people to the extent that we can know what is inside people’s minds.
Once you see these patterns, you can’t unsee them
I spend most of my time trying to ascertain what people hold in their minds, judging by the content in their lives. Sometimes, these things are obvious, and at other times, they are well hidden. I get frustrated because:
I can’t see into people’s minds to make the connections.
I can’t ask them and expect an honest, reflective answer as these can be painful experiences, and they most likely don’t know themselves.
Like attracts like is one of the most common descriptions of the universal law or process, where the mind creates our reality. Another good analogy is the Mirror Principle. Whatever the mind shows the universal mirror, it then shows back in this so-called reality - as within, so without.
I think most of us can’t accept this idea - not really
Even after decades of immutable proof in my own experience and the observed reality of others, I still struggle with accepting it. There is something so unnatural about the idea that nothing outside us is real and everything is mind-made. Yet, over and over again, I come to the same conclusion. The mind is all.
Accepting full responsibility for everything that happens to us can be painful
It’s easy to be a victim. “Poor us. Life is unfair. This and that happened to us. It’s not our fault.” We might even be willing to admit our mistakes for the consequences of what we did intentionally, but it’s a hell of a lot harder to take responsibility for all the bad that happens to us without our deliberation.
However, if we are to truly, completely, and fully accept that the mind is all and that we are the creators of our reality, then nothing can be an exception. We make it all happen. Our minds are behind everything that happens to us. Yes, even behind what other people do to us!
Is someone being rude to you?
You made them act this way. They could have been nicer if you hadn’t forced them to disrespect you (within).Is your partner cheating on you?
You made them do it. They wouldn’t become cheating bastards unless you dreamed them up that way. They don’t have free will in your reality. You decide everything. You just do it without knowing.Did you get into an accident with your car?
You called it into your life even if you didn’t physically cause the accident. No, that rock couldn’t have fallen on your car, if you didn’t include this possibility in your mind.Have you been abused by someone you know and love as an adult?
You made them play the role of the abuser. You wrote a screenplay where you are the victim of abuse, and they played their part perfectly.Did you get sick?
You caused this disease. It didn’t just appear out of nowhere. Your body is perfect. Germs have no power over you. It’s your mind that decides whether you are sick or healthy, not some random infection. One step further, your body is just an idea in your mind. It’s not real and not who you are.Did you get fired?
You made your employer fire you. He had no choice. Whatever you believed in your mind, feared, or replayed has caused the event that followed later.Has a dog bitten you?
You made the dog bite you. You brought that dog into your reality. You were either afraid of the dog or, in some other way, caused the perceived reality (that cannot be material and separate from you) to play the movie of you becoming the victim of a dog attack.
Uncomfortable, isn’t it?
It seems completely false, too, right? Oh, it gets worse. Let’s push this discomfort some more and see where it takes us. Notice how it feels to even read about such preposterous ideas. Stay with this feeling and contemplate what it all means.
If you are serious about taking control of your life by controlling your mind, you cannot avoid this step. The good and the bad, remember? You won’t be able to enact your desires in this so-called reality unless you accept full responsibility for everything.
Why? Because you will still believe in randomness, other people's control over you, and your own powerlessness. Faith in the unseen good (fulfilled desires) and the creative power of your mind will then be reduced to wishful thinking (with doubt creeping in), not an immutable law of reality (certainty - it’s done). Ready?
A teenage girl got raped in the park by a stranger.
She made them do it. That person wouldn’t be there, and she wouldn’t be able to be raped had she not contained this possibility, idea, and fear in her mind. If she creates her reality, she created the evil bastard and the horrible situation as well. Either all or nothing.A random, lovely old lady got robbed, and the assistant broke her hip.
She caused the whole incident. She believed it would happen, worried about her health if she fell, saw thieves everywhere, and created the entire scene just like a screenwriter creates a play.Someone’s young child has gotten severely sick or hurt.
Guess what? The parents made it happen. The parents create everything about their children, even though most aren’t aware that they are doing it. If they were constantly afraid of their child getting sick, the poor babe would have no choice but to fall ill. If they were petrified of losing their child, they would create that version of reality in their lives.
What horrible suggestions, aren’t they?
Yes, they are. I hate even thinking about it, much less suggesting these ideas. I feel guilty just bringing this up. It seems wrong on so many levels. It turns my stomach. I promise you that it does! Everything within me is repulsed by the mere suggestions that these victims, and they are victims in the literal sense, caused their own demise.
We’re still not victim-blaming! Instead, we’re trying to understand the law of the universe, which says our minds create everything all the time, with or without our blessing.
None of these people were aware that they were creating this reality for themselves or their children. In fact, they most likely thought the constant pondering, obsessive protecting, and fearing were helping. Unfortunately, the opposite is true.
As a student of the mind-matter connection, I am forced to wonder:
If like attracts like, what was in their minds that caused the manifestations of such horrors?
What were these victims thinking that caused the events that followed?
What did they believe somewhere deep inside that manifested these people and situations?
Were they afraid of being attacked, sick, raped, or murdered?
Did they see a lot of connected events that impregnated their minds with such dreadful thoughts, which, when they manifested, caused havoc in their lives?
If their fear was the thing that manifested their horrible fate, how intense was this fear?
Were they aware of it?
Did they believe that something bad always happens to them, or was it more specific?
Were they predestined to experience such horror, by what their social upbringing taught them (programmed their mind)?
Did their family and friends talk about it often?
Were those who loved them so utterly afraid of something terrible happening to them that they made their worst fears manifest? This is especially important when talking about children, as parents are the driving force behind them until they are fully developed.
Why would we want to know this?
Why would we make these clear victims responsible for their fate? Why blame the victims? What is the purpose of this exercise? All good questions. The answer is twofold:
Understanding of reality
To more deeply understand how the system works and acquire additional evidence of its existence (mind-matter). The more patterns and connections we can see, the more we understand the world and how our minds create our reality.
We must realize that there is no such thing as idle thoughts and purge our minds of all intrusive thoughts of fear, failure, and victimhood. When we realize that if we think about something, especially if we fear it, we are causing it to manifest in our lives, we can stop the process from completing.
Asking ourselves those questions is incredibly important, especially when it comes to our own lived experiences. As we can make the connection between the inner world (our mind) and the outer world (perceived reality), we realize that we are never the victim but always the creator.
The dream analogy
When you have a nightmare where somebody is hurting you, you know you’ve made it happen. You’ve created that imaginary persona, the situation, you as the victim, and you’ve subconsciously written the script of every single nightmare you’ve experienced. You didn’t mean to dream of such horrors, but you understand that you were stuck in a “movie” written and directed by your mind.
You only realize this once you wake up, but not before. While you dream, you are convinced that these people or monsters are real, separate from you, with their own intentions, and that these events are happening to you.
Do you see how it is entirely possible that you are the one creating this whole experience of life, and everything and everyone in it, without being aware of it? Sound asleep in the eternal dream of life in this realm.
Taking responsibility for everything in your life
Once you make these connections and see how your mind creates everything and everyone in your life, you are ready to take full responsibility for your life—the good and the bad, as uncomfortable as it may be.
Be wary of negative thoughts and fears, for they will manifest themselves in your life in one way or another unless deleted, reframed, overcome, or replaced. Like creates like.
There is no escaping the everlasting process of creation. It’s automatic and continuous. There is no time-out and no pause button. It’s not an on-off thing. It’s always happening. Otherwise, you and everything in your world would cease to exist.
I am fully aware that everything in my life is my own doing. I may not be aware of the exact thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that cause harm in my life, but I accept the responsibility in its entirety.
I’ve seen time and again that when something bad happens, whether it is unpleasant people, physical pain and ailment, or something completely unrelated, I can trace it back to my thoughts, fears, and often even the words I use. The mind is always the cause. Thoughts, primarily fear and beliefs, are the origin of all the bad things that happen to me.
Is this a scary realization or an empowering one?
This will depend on you individually. For me, it was first empowering, but then it got scary. I realized that I could not allow thoughts of unwanted things, especially fear, to enter my mind because they would all manifest in my life.
I am now incredibly strict with thoughts I deem to be a greater danger, like having an accident or something terrible happening to my family. Whenever I catch myself entertaining fears, I immediately attempt to nullify them. When I am not so strict, I always reap in my life what I sow in my mind.
It’s not just an innocent thought but a future in the making
It’s not just a little fear creeping in. No! It’s a spoiler for the coming future! A preview of things to come unless I change my mind.
If I am even a tiny bit afraid of having an accident, I will not sit on my motorcycle. Instead, I will work on my mind as long as it takes to purge it of any doubt and fear of having an accident. I know many who rode with fear in the back of their minds, and every single one of them ended up having an accident! I’ve been accident-free despite having about a million kilometers behind my belt.
When my girlfriend was worried about our baby getting sick or not being perfect in some other way, I would stop her train of thought and would not allow her to even think about our daughter getting seriously sick. She is healthy, strong, and will be fine. No what-ifs or buts allowed! We’ll cross that bridge if and when we get there, and not a second earlier. Until then, all is well and will be well. As a result, she is one of the healthiest children ever!
I used to practice martial arts, studied to become a criminal investigator, and spent weekends as a security guard when I was younger. I saw potential problems and violent people everywhere, and lo and behold, I had nothing but trouble all the time. Every freaking idiot wanted to brawl with me. Once I made a conscious choice to stop thinking about violence, fighting, and conflict, all of these idiots and situations disappeared from life.
When I was a kid, I really wanted to be excused from participating in religious ceremonies that I was forced to attend three times per week. The only times I would get a pass was when I was sick. So, I unconsciously made myself ill and suffered the consequences of an autoimmune disease for another fifteen years until I realized it was self-inflicted.
I have always been terrified of losing money and being broke. As a result, no matter what I do, I always end up being broke. I’ve changed careers, companies, and fields. Even when I make good money, those subconscious beliefs erase it all in no time, seemingly to no fault of mine. It’s a family pattern and has proven immensely difficult to shake.
All of my previous fears and beliefs stubbornly manifested themselves until I was able to either overcome them, accept my fate or simply delete them from my mind. Once I purged my mind of the issue in whatever way I could, the problems disappeared, and my life rearranged itself as if someone had changed the bloody film on the projector.
Observe the people around you and yourself.
What all do you accept into your mind?
What are you thinking about throughout the day?
Are you sure that’s wise?
Remember, it’s not about what they want but what they pay attention to, believe deep within, fear, or think about often. Most do it unconsciously and allow mental poison to infect their minds because they are not aware of the danger.
Here’s a good filter to consider:
“Do I want these thoughts that I’m thinking (watching, reading, listening to, visualizing) to become my reality somehow?”
If the answer is no, you might want to stop feeding the universal printer these ideas, as they will manifest in your reality unless you change your path.
If the answer is yes, keep at it.
Think really hard about what was just said here!
When you watch the news your mind is filled with images of violence, injustice, struggle, suffering, and pain, what are you going to create in your reality? That’s right: violence, injustice, struggle, suffering, and pain in some form or another.
When you are afraid of an immigrant attacking you, as a woman, because you keep reading about how it happens all the time, what are you going to create in your reality? More confirmation that this is true, and if you allow it to permeate your mind, the manifestation of that fear.
When you are terrified of some disease and are now reading all you can about it, what are you creating in your reality? It’s not health but the disease itself, or at the very least, a deterioration in your health.
Once you see this pattern and understand that whatever the mind contains is always reproduced in your life, you will understand everything. There’s no need to look at outside circumstances anymore.
Now, take some time and think about how much time and energy most people waste thinking, watching, listening to, and fearing the things that they do not want in their lives. Look around. Scroll through social media and news channels.
If our minds really do create everything, then most of what is contained in their minds, consciously and subconsciously, is not something they would want manifested in their lives. Isn’t that so?
If the Law of Attraction or the Law of Assumption is true, then what choice does the universe have but to give them more of what they think about, fear, and believe? None! It has no choice. As within, so without!
What if everyone is a figment of our imagination?
Based on the assumption that we create everything and everyone in our lives through the content of our minds, we’ve now established that we also create the monsters who haunt and hurt us. We’ve created the role of a victim, and the rest of the world plays its part in accommodating our vision. We do so unconsciously and unintentionally, of course.
Let’s take this one step further
Remember when I mentioned reading about all those people who are hurt?
There is a perspective that claims nothing outside our minds is real. We’re essentially living in our heads as if we were dreaming. Alternatively, we’re the sole creator of this thing we perceive as reality. Nothing outside us is real. There is no reality, just our minds and the worlds we create within them.
This perspective, theory, or philosophy, however you want to call it, emphasizes taking absolute personal responsibility for everything and everyone in our world. We’ve created all of them. They’re all in our minds or the product of our minds. Let’s call this a single-player simulation, shall we?
But what does this mean?
Simply put, even the people we read about being victims and all those violent perpetrators - are all “us.” They don’t exist outside our minds. They’re not real. They are essentially a figment of our imagination, our creation.
The whole world we read about, and experience as material reality, gets rendered by our minds in some form. It’s not real. Just like playing a single-player video game, but one in which we create everything without being aware of it.
Whether there is any material creation in the process or they are just an illusion within our minds makes no difference from our perspective. To us, they seem just as real as everything else, while nothing is actually real. Yeah, that’s the hardest pill to swallow but the easiest theory to explain.
Why should we then take responsibility for them and their lives?
Because we created them, wrote the script of their lives, decided they would suffer as victims, wrote for them the villains, their backstories that turned them into monsters, and hit the play button. We made them, so we’re probably the only ones who can “fix”t them, and we fix them, by changing our ideas of them. Fun, isn’t it?
What have we learned in this post, if anything?
We need to accept responsibility for everything and everyone in our lives, assuming that we have somehow created them despite not being aware of it—the good and the bad.
While I still don’t want to assume or pretend to know what the victims we discussed in this article have held in their minds to have created their terrible events, I must accept that there must have been something.
We all create our own realities without exceptions, or we’re just helpless little biological beings thrown around by fate and coincidence.
Now what?
Choose carefully
While I can’t help other people, as I can’t change their minds (only they can do that), I can use what I learn to my advantage. So can you.
I can use this knowledge as a warning to tighten my mental defenses and not let anything unwanted into my mind. When I catch myself dwelling on a negative projection of the future, I must delete it immediately and find a way to reframe it into thoughts that cause relief, love, happiness, and peace, not fear, danger, misery, and stress.
Maybe it’s because I spend a lot of time contemplating, deliberately tinkering with destiny, and experimenting with my mind, but I see the results of fears, doubt, and negativity expressed in my reality almost immediately.
Luckily, it starts small, so I can usually stop the progression before it gets out of hand. If I allowed my mind to go down those dark places, darkness would soon cover my whole lived experience. Thus, I am more sensitive to what I allow in my mind.
It is said that man is his worst enemy, and if we follow the train of thought from this article, we can conclude that man’s mind is his worst enemy. But only when we feed it poison.
Like attracts like. Only allow thoughts that, if manifested literally in your life, you would welcome and be glad for. Assume all thoughts will be made manifest if you feed them energy, emotion, and attention. Chose carefully.
We need to face our fears and overcome them
A person without fear is somewhat invincible, as his mind doesn’t create anything he would fear.
If we allow fear to rule over us, especially crippling fear, and we dwell on it often, we are unintentionally creating the things we fear in our lives. We are feeding the beast by being afraid of it. The more attention we give a particular issue or potential future, the more likely it is to manifest itself in our lives.
We don’t win over this monster by fighting and resisting it
No - that is still feeding it. We win by ignoring it entirely. By purging it from our minds, we become free of the boogyman and his reach into this realm.
Our minds create what we focus on. Focus on fighting the monsters of today (people, terrorists, pedophiles, murderers, rapists…) and you are inviting them into your life. Context doesn’t matter in this case. Saying “I hate criminals” or “I don’t want to be a victim” is still calling for criminals to somehow make you a victim. “I don’t want to see a pink elephant” still makes you see the pink elephant.
Don’t think logically about this process - think literally
Whatever is contained in your mind, especially if it’s emotionally charged, will be automatically projected into your life.
No one “up there” is trying to understand what you mean when you think of some issue or judge it as good or bad.
The universe is a printer. Input = output. A monster in your mind equals a monster in your life, just with a time delay.
Purge your mind often
Purge your mind of all fears and monsters, and you will effectively purge your life of them as well. Fight them or run away from them in your mind, and you’ll be doing the same in your life.
If you now realize that you are plagued by some fear or thought that, if literally projected into your life experience, would produce unpleasant consequences, purge it from your mind.
The good news is that not all bad thoughts are manifested.
The bad news is that the sum total of our thoughts is.
Keep the balance positive and experience a wonderful life. Allow it to drift into despair and terror, and you will reap what you sow.
Focus on the good, project love, not fear or hate
Whether we attract things and people into our lives or if we create them in totality, it would be wise to fill our minds with thoughts of good and emotions of love, harmony, and peace. Wouldn’t you agree?
Feed the printer what you want to see printed. Focus on the good, and you’ll get more good. Focus on all the bad in his world, and you’ll create more bad. If your unconsciousness is filled with love, it cannot create anything but a reality of love, full of what you love. If it’s filled with fear, it cannot stop itself from creating more fear and the things you fear in your life.
The elusive power of indifference
As counterintuitive as it sounds, being utterly indifferent to anything happening around you and entirely without worry or care about your future is the optimal state of being. Zero fear. Zero doubt. Zero desire. Zero resistance. Zero fight. Inner peace will translate to outer peace. A mind focused on the good will produce more good.
When you are relaxed about the future and completely fearless, your future will reflect this (but not without trials). They say that luck favors the bold. What if what that has always meant was that when one is not afraid and goes forth without a worry in his mind, the whole world bows to him and rearranges itself to match that perfect inner state? What if, indeed?
May your inner monsters disappear into nothingness and your reality be free of all forms of violence. I hope none of us ever have to experience becoming a victim of a violent crime. Let’s proactively learn from others and do what we can to prevent this scenario from becoming a reality.
No monsters inside should, by all logic, equal no monster outside. Unless it’s all random and then being afraid of monsters and violence is an experiment in futility, as it makes no difference to what will happen anyway.
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