Why Are You Consuming Darkness Through Your Screens?
There are dire consequences to allowing darkness into your mind. It's infectious, and it multiplies first in your thoughts and then in your life.

Do not allow anything you don’t want to see manifested in your life to enter your mind or, worse yet, your heart! This is a choice you make every time you watch the news, a horror movie, or open up this death cultish social media of today. Don’t even think about the things that scare you. Delete all of that stuff from your mind.
It happened again
Every time I open my social media, I’m bombarded with images and videos of violence, suffering, and sorrow. I didn’t like any of it. People just share all sorts of terrible things from the world, and the world is a big place. Something heartbreaking is happening every second of every day on this green Earth. I don’t want to see it, though.
If this doesn't end soon, I will quit all social media platforms. TV programs with their sensationalistic news have long ago found their home in the trash bin. I will not allow my consciousness to be consumed by darkness!
Your mind is a sponge - it absorbs everything it’s exposed to
It’s most prone to holding on to things that evoke an emotional reaction within you. The stronger the reaction, the more your mind will be consumed with the images and thoughts that caused it.
Here is my warning to you
There is a non-zero chance that our minds create everything in our lives
The process may be subconscious and involuntary, but it is ongoing. It never stops, and it doesn’t differentiate between the desired content and undesired content. If it’s contained in your mind, it will manifest in your world, one way or another, proportionately to your attention and beliefs.
Just think of kids watching scary movies before bedtime. What, oh, what will they dream about? Now, replace innocent dreams with a simulation (reality) directed by your subconscious mind, and we have a problem.
What does this mean?
This means that you are directly responsible for what you expose your mind to, and as a consequence, you are indirectly responsible for everything in your life—the good, the bad, and the indifferent. You control the input, not the output.
That part is not up to you. Whatever the mechanism of this so-called reality, there are strong indications that it responds to the content of our minds. Quite literally, I’m afraid.
Even if you don’t believe that, which is perfectly fine, why would you want to consume content that makes you feel bad?
Why watch all those videos of dead or suffering children?
Why absorb videos of women getting beaten up and abused?
Why observe the violence you don’t have to?
What do you think you gain from that?
Is it some sort of dark fetish of yours?
Do you believe you are being well informed this way?
Is it your duty to watch the suffering of others?
Does it feel like you’re helping by pouring outrage, liking, and sharing?
That’s all nonsense, and you know it! You can’t help anyone by watching them get beat up, assaulted, or murdered. By sitting there in front of your screen, you’re not helping anyone!
It’s all some sanctimonious bullshit that makes you feel righteous, but all it does is make you feel horrible, depressed about the world, humanity, and whoever you are currently angry at.
STOP watching that darkness or risk getting infected by it
Signs of mental infection:
You feel worse after watching it than you did before. It affects your mood.
You become cynical and pessimistic. Yes, there is darkness in this world, but you don’t have to consume it. There are also poisonous mushrooms in the forest, but you don’t have to eat them. Leave them be.
Your mind begins to repeat those images in your head. When you close your eyes, you notice a feeling of anger, sorrow, or intense anxiety in your body. When you try to sleep, the scenes replay themselves in your dreams.
You are now focused on the darkness, and what you focus on multiplies in your reality. Whether by paying more attention or by literal manifestation, the end results are similar. You see more darkness everywhere.
If you persist and allow the darkness to consume you, you will begin to experience it yourself as a direct manifestation of your mind, giving you more of what you focus on.
Regardless of your beliefs - is this something you want?
Do you want to see more darkness, pain, suffering, screams, violence, and death? Why? Why would you do this to yourself and your loved ones?
Imagine such dark content as radiation or a virus.
Do you want to be infected and then infect your loved ones as well?
Or would you rather stay as far away from this contagion as possible?
Here’s my unsolicited advice
Do not allow anything you don’t want to see manifested in your life to enter your mind or, worse yet, your heart! This is a choice you make every time you watch the news, a horror movie, or open up this death cultish social media of today. Don’t even think about the things that scare you. Delete all of that stuff from your mind.
When you see something on your screens that makes you feel bad and that you don’t want to happen to you, STOP WATCHING! Redirect your attention, clear your mind, and delete those images and screams from your mind.
Stop the infection before it gets any further. This is solely your responsibility! The media, including social media algorithms, operate on an attention economy. The more something engages people, the more it presses their buttons and makes them feel things, the more they push it.
It is a system designed for self-replication
The more horrible images you see, the more you engage with them, the more the algorithms will feed them to you. This ball of dirt is only getting bigger and bigger until you can’t see your way out of it anymore.
Do whatever you want with this information, but stop blaming everyone else for your life experiences. You’re the one in control of what you feed your mind, which in return projects them back into your reality. Non-stop, without pause, and with zero discretion.
If you don’t want to experience what you’re consuming, stop consuming it and refocus on what you do want to experience in your life. Can you really risk being wrong on this and suffering the consequences?
Here are a few examples of things I do not allow into my consciousness, no matter what:
Illnesses of any kind. I don’t talk about disease, and I don’t go around looking for signs that there is something wrong, and I don’t take needless tests. If you search long enough, you’re bound to find something and then, in time, make it an even bigger problem.
Anything relating to children getting sick or hurt. I will not allow this reality or simulation to hurt my children on my behalf. They are my responsibility and I take that seriously. My daughter is safe, healthy, strong, bright, and healthy. No other thought is allowed.
Traffic accidents of any kind. I’ve been a motorcyclist for thirty years without a serious accident. I don’t allow even a thought to enter my mind. Often, I would visualize returning home, safe and sound, pleasantly tired, before I even turned the motorcycle on.
Whining and complaining. It’s infectious. I choose to focus on the good and avoid negative people who constantly complain. I don’t want that in my mind or my life.
You pick what you eat, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s far less important than what you consume mentally. Perhaps it’s time to start watching over your mind like you watch over your mouth.
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Crave something else?
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