10 Painful Answers That Will Piss Off Everyone
If you believe in LOA and you create things with your mind and want to manifest your desires, you also have to accept the other end of the stick and accept responsibility for all the bad in your life.

People like the feel-good side of their ability to control their fate, use affirmations to get things, visualize a better future, and somehow manifest it, but almost everyone is pretending that there isn’t a darker side to the same story. I’m afraid that the Law of Attraction works both ways.
If you create all the things you like, you also create everything you don’t like.
Some of today's messages will be hard to read and even harder to accept. Think of it as tough love, but love nonetheless.
As you would want to stop someone who is hurting themselves without knowing it, I’m trying to wake you up and empower you to make a change that will benefit you and your loved ones immensely. Let’s call it an intervention. Now, who doesn’t love a good intervention?
Since I find this to be incredibly important, I shall not mince words. The aim is to be direct enough to shake you out of your delusion of victimhood. You are the only operating power in this reality and it’s time you act like it. Ready?
Questions and answers
Q: Are you saying I’m somehow responsible for all my problems?
A: Yes, literally. You create a reality that is unique to you. You’re the one who causes the problem, all problems in your life, and you’re the only one who can delete them from your life. There can be no exceptions.
“But what about a plane falling on my head?” Yes, that, too. You caused the accident, even if you never thought about a plane landing on your bold spot. I can’t see into your head, but if you try hard enough, you will recognize the cause. It’s always there. You only have to look.
How do I know? Because it cannot be any other way. This is how our the universe works. As within - so without. Always, without exception. If it’s in your life, it was first in some way, shape, or form in your mind. It doesn’t have to be literally the thing you experience, but you cannot experience anything that doesn’t corelate perfectly with your mind on some level.
Q: Are you claiming that it’s my fault I was cheated on or mistreated?
A: Yes. People act only in response to how you believe they will act, what you think of them, and what you believe they think of you. They don’t have free will concerning your experienced reality. You’re always the one dictating their thoughts and behavior.
The simulation/universe/god only has one answer - “Yes, you are right.” If you believe they are cheating on you, you are right. If you believe you don’t deserve them - you are right. If you believe they don’t like or love you - you are right. And the opposite is also true.
Remember: they don’t get to decide anything in YOUR reality. You do.
Something within you believes that all people cheat, that you are not worthy of a faithful partner, that they don’t exist, or you’ve fearfully fantasized about being hurt, cheated, humiliated, or some similar mental idea that manifested in your partner jumping the fence.
I suggest finding that source and deleting it from your consciousness, or everyone will always cheat on you. They won’t have a choice - it’s your world and your rules!
Q: Are you saying I have caused my body to become sick, catch a virus or bacteria, go weak, or break?
A: Yes. Everything that happens with your body is a direct consequence of your mind. You’re not doing it intentionally, of course, but it’s still you who is the cause of it all.
If you believe you will catch a virus if you ___ (insert belief), then you will. If you believe you have a weak immune system, you do. If you don’t want to go somewhere, do something, hear something, see something, or are looking for an excuse to be the victim, your body will oblige you effortlessly.
If you’re full of emotional turmoil, resentments, fears, hatred, stress, or some other combination of ideas and feelings and don’t resolve them in time, they will manifest in your body.
There are countless possible reasons why you got sick, but they all start in your mind. That’s the good news. It also means you’re the one who can choose to be perfectly healthy and strong and, by clearing your mind of the issue, heal completely all on your own.
Remember, everything is mental, and disease isn’t real. It’s a corrupt idea in your mind that has been made manifest in your reality. Remove the cause, whatever it may be, and the effect will clear itself out. Embrace the conviction that you are already perfect, whole, healthy, strong, and complete, a perfect image of the perfect idea, and you will be. As within, so without. I know - it’s easier said than done!
Q: Are you claiming that I somehow caused a traffic accident that wasn’t physically my fault?
A: Yes. Nothing happens in your reality without it being included in your mind first. Maybe not literally, but in some connection.
Perhaps you were afraid of having an accident or ending up in a hospital. Maybe you just read or watched too many news reports about traffic accidents, and the universe said yes - here’s more. You literally put that person in their condition at that time on your path without knowing it.
There are no idle thoughts. Remember that the next time you enjoy your favorite fear porn and news channel programming. Do yourself a favor and never again allow yourself to watch the news, read or talk about accidents, or worry about your own safety or that of your loved ones when on the road.
Convince yourself in your mind that you or your loved ones have already completed their journey safely, and it will be so. See them telling you about their journey. See yourself drive into your driveway, safe and sound. Do not let fear run your mind, for it will manifest itself in your reality, and you won’t have anyone else to blame but yourself.
I’m using harsh language because I see so many people unconsciously invite the worst possible events into their lives, and I believe this could have been avoided. It breaks my heart. If I’m wrong - what have you got to lose? Even if your mind cannot influence your life in the slightest, you will have lived a happier and more peaceful life by not worrying.
Q: Are you saying it’s my fault that my child is problematic (whatever that may be - hyper, energetic, refuses to eat or sleep…), hurt, or sick?
A: Yes. You define your whole parenting experience in your mind. It’s a culmination of old beliefs, fears, thoughts, visualizations, and other people’s opinions nestled in your mind. Nothing can happen without your consent.
The culmination of your thoughts regarding parenting and your child will always be reflected, image for image, in your perceived reality. There is no duality; it’s always just you. Kids up until about ten years of age absorb everything you think, feel, say, and do.
Furthermore, since this reality is just your reality, your beliefs about them and you have to be reflected in your lived experience. It’s the law, I’m afraid. You may think its cute as you complain or call your kids: “You poor thing,” but the consequences of those words always land on your children.
The good news again is that you created that hell of a parental experience with ease, and you can change it to a blessed experience in the same way. Change your mind, change your reality.
Decide now and convince yourself, appearances be damned, that you are the perfect parent, your child is absolute perfection, your relationship is perfect, and being a parent is the best thing in the world. It’s so easy and effortless. Everything always works out. Everything is always perfect. Reprogram your mind with these ideas and watch your reality conform.
If you doubt your words, listen to how you talk about being a parent, the parenting experience, and your children (to yourself, your family, and your friends). You may think you’re just commenting and complaining about reality, but I’m telling you that you are creating this reality instead.
Never think, "What is wrong with my child?" because the answer will always be—you are. The first place to seek answers to any question regarding your child’s problem is within yourself. I know this is uncomfortable, and being the victim of circumstances is easy, but we’re trying to help your kids here, not pamper to your feelings.
Q: Are you claiming that if I walk down the street and some thug walks up to me and punches me in the face, that is somehow my fault?
A: Yes. The image and expected probability of a thug punching you in the face, you being the victim of a violent crime, and your belief in the existence of evil in men are the reasons you created that scene in your life.
The perpetrator had no choice in the matter - you’re the puppet master choosing which version of them you pull out of the infinity well of all possible versions. If you didn’t feel like a victim, didn’t entertain or fear a similar event, though it may be represented in a different way entirely in your mind, it could not have happened.
Understand that people in your reality don’t have free will. They see you as you see yourself. They act the way you believe they will act. They give you what you expect they will do.
You pull a specific version of them from the infinite pool of all possibilities. Some love you, some hate you, some would harm you, and others would help you. The one you get depends on your inner world and your beliefs. The world is a mirror. It can only ever show you what you put in front of that mirror.
If a dog or a wolf smells fear, it will act instinctively. It’s a predator, and you’re the prey. In a mind-made simulation of reality, everyone always reacts to you in accordance with your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. Whatever you believe about yourself and others will always be directly reflected in your reality. It is the law. It cannot be any other way.
Q: Are you saying I’m at fault if I can’t get pregnant?
A: Yes. Who else? There is something in your mind that is preventing a successful pregnancy, showing itself as a bodily problem.
It could be a belief that getting pregnant at your age is difficult. It could be the idea that you don’t deserve love or to become a parent. It could be that you simply believe some doctor's interpretation of your medical condition, or it could be something way deeper.
Alternatively, it’s often a much simpler explanation. You might just be trying too hard. Focusing on the problem creates more intense problems, not solutions. The more you try to get pregnant, the more you desperately desire it, the more it will elude you.
Often, giving up on having children, thus releasing the struggle, lack, or situation, fixes all your problems, and a fun night without any desire to conceive a baby becomes the origin story of your new child. Other times, you will have to do some “soul searching” to find the crux of the problem—the inner source of the external inability to conceive a baby and carry it to term.
Since becoming a parent can be such a strong, emotionally charged desire, it is difficult to step away and let it happen. You want to force it into existence, but that is not how this reality works. The more you push for something, the more it eludes you. The more you desire it, the more “desiring” (lack of desired thing) you receive. The less you care, the more it runs after you.
By all means, consult your doctors (this goes for all things) and do what they suggest! But in the meantime, try to let it go. In your mind, imagine that you are already a parent. You’ve been that for a few months or years, and it’s great. Know that it is already true. Stop focusing on the problems and on not being able to conceive because, by law, you can only get more of the same from the universe. There is nothing to fix or achieve, as you are already perfect, and so is your baby.
Q: Are you claiming that it’s somehow my fault that I can’t get a job, make the sale, sell the apartment, or get a promotion?
A: Yes. Everything is your fault, but it’s not about guilt. It’s simple causality.
If you believe jobs suck, it might be hard to get one. If you have bad experiences, you might be subconsciously blocking your success. If you believe the men on the TV telling you it’s a recession and that it’s almost impossible to sell an apartment, then it will be. If you want something really bad, you won’t get it because you only ever get more of what you show the mirror of the universe/simulation.
If you want something, you are showing a lack of that something, and you can only ever get more lack. It will come to you effortlessly when you no longer need or want it. Let it go and consider it done.
If you believe you’re always getting passed at promotion, raise, or get rejected in the interview phase, you will get more confirmation of your beliefs. Nothing you do on the outside will change what happens until you change on the inside.
When you believe you deserve the job/raise/promotion and already have it, you will have it. When you believe something is already done, genuinely believe - know it as a fact before you can see it with your eyes, it will be done. You have to become “a person who has it” before you can have it.
Q: Are you saying that even if some miracle happens, like an alien beaming down from their spaceship revealing to me secrets of the universe, it is still my doing?
A: Yes. Think of this reality as a dream. You dream of all possible things. They appear real in your dream, but you realize they weren’t once you wake up. It was just a dream.
All the people, monsters, lovers, aliens… you met in your dreams were just a figment of your imagination. They felt like separate individuals but were only ideas and beliefs in your mind. You didn’t control them deliberately, but you still created the scenes you relieve in your sleep.
The mind-made simulation offers a similar experience. Everything seems separate and real, but it’s not. It’s all just the mind playing tricks on you. You believe you are living in a material world, but there is nothing material about this world. Quantum physics proves that, no need for spirituality and belief.
If it happened - you’re the cause of it. If it didn’t happen - you’re the cause of it.
Q: Are you claiming that I’m somehow directly responsible for all the evil, sickness, violence, and suffering in this world?
A: No. What I’m saying is that this simulation you happen to live in works in a way that adapts your personal experience of reality in accordance with your beliefs, fears, self-concept, and feelings and is effectively a projection of your inner world.
That doesn’t make you responsible for anyone else’s life, apart from your children, until they grow into adults. You aren’t causing suffering and evil in this world, but by focusing and dwelling on it, fearing or fighting it, you are choosing this to be your experience. You see and experience more of it, directly or indirectly. Regardless of the context, anything you focus on will be multiplied in your reality.
The universe, god, or simulation (as you prefer) always says YES to you, regardless of what you claim. This world is full of evil people and suffering - yes, here’s more proof that you are right. Life is predominantly suffering and pain, and then you die - yes, you are right. Here’s more proof of what you believe.
In a quantum universe, this simulated reality of ours, everything that can happen and exist, already exists in a state of superposition. Creation is finished. The simulation is complete, and all possible versions of you and every possible scenario and version of people already exist past, present, and future.
Time isn’t linear, that’s just your experience of time. There is only ever now. You are choosing your reality, deliberately or unknowingly, all the time, and therefore as you form beliefs about yourself and the world, the simulation gives you the experiences that confirm those beliefs.
You’re not creating anything—you’re choosing a version that already exists in the multiverse of infinite possibilities to experience. There is no need to feel guilty. Just be aware that you will always get what you believe out of this life, as effortlessly as you always have because that is how this simulation is designed.
I’m sure you’re glad that you don’t live in a simulation, right?
Isn’t that a load off? Ha-ha, those poor simulated schmucks. It’s much better to live in the “real world” where you are the helpless victim of circumstance, random outcomes, and zero causality. A universe where nothing is your fault, things just happen, and there is nothing you can do to change that.
What a relief! For a moment there, I either pissed you off or empowered you with the responsibility for everything in your life, didn’t I?
It’s a good thing this is just a theoretical, fictional, delusional publication playing with ideas that could never be true. Right? Right?
But, just hear me out here - what if it’s all real?