The Uncomfortable Truth About the Law of Attraction
If you can create or attract your desires with your mind alone, that means you created everything in your life, and the world is not what you thought it was.

The Law of Attraction either always works for everything and always has through your entire life, or it never works for nothing, never has, and never will. Which is it?
Are you on the path of self-improvement, trying affirmations, visualizations, meditations, vision boards, etc., but it doesn’t seem to work?
Do you like the idea of the Law of Attraction and creating your own reality by manifesting your desires?
Do you know there is a downside to this same power, law, or ability?
We’re going on a wild ride of complete and utter acceptance of responsibility for everything in your life and the world.
By the time we’re done, we will also have the answer to the question on everyone’s mind when they start playing with the LOA:
Does Law of Attraction actually work?
If it exists, you created it
If you hate it, you did it. If you love it, you did it.
If it’s evil, you made the evil. If it’s good, you made the good.
Your sickness? You did that to yourself.
Accident? Still you.
Financial ruin, scammer, robber, thief? Who else but you, dear one?
You were attacked? You created the attacker and the situation and wrote yourself into a victim.
I bet you’re screaming within and arguing with me: “I did no such thing! Why would I ever want to harm myself or anyone else? I did not make myself sick. That’s just nonsense. I did not put the knife in that idiot's hand! I did not cause the financial crisis. I did not send the virus. I did not make the drunk driver hit my car…”
You didn’t? It just happened? Someone else did that to you? Oh, you’re the innocent victim in all this, are you? It’s all just a random circumstance? Interesting.
I completely understand your reluctance to accept responsibility for the bad in your life or the world. I do. Who the hell wants to be responsible for the bad? No one. Especially when they’re unaware of making it happen. Here’s the problem, though.
The hard pill you must swallow
You can’t expect to heal by rewriting your mind if you’re not willing to admit that you caused the sickness in the first place. Your mind either has the power over your body, or it doesn’t.
You can’t wish your way out of a horrible life situation unless you’re willing to accept that you put yourself there. You either have control or you don’t.
You can’t expect miracles to happen only for your benefit and the same principles not working to your detriment. The good and the bad happening are either both miracles or none.
You can’t expect words like affirmations to work on bringing about your desires if you’re not willing to take responsibility for everything else in your life that other kinds of words or thoughts created. There are no magic words of creation - all words create equally and in proportion.
You can’t expect to visualize a life of abundance, love, and happiness if you’re not willing to accept that you also envisioned a life of lack, loneliness, and misery. Either all images in your head create your reality, or none do.
You can’t expect your special person to change to your liking by imagining them differently if you’re not willing to take responsibility for them being as they are now, including the whole of your relationship. You either create everything in everyone all the time, on nothing, never.
In other words - The Law of Attraction, The Law of Assumption, the Biblical teachings, and ancient secret knowledge all allude to one simple truth:
You are all there is - the only source of everything in your life
The good, the bad, and the ugly included. As within, so without applies to everything in your mind and your life.
The law of attraction or the mind over matter principle works all the time, without pause, for everything, without exceptions (or it cannot work at all). Your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs create your reality and everything and everyone in it - no exceptions.
If you are a god of your reality, you’re the god, and there is no other. You are the all, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. You are everything. You are everyone.
And nothing outside you is as real and separate as you imagine and perceive it as, or your mind, thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes couldn’t influence it in the least!
You can’t be selective in saying, yes, I made this happen, but the rest happened to me. I attracted my lover into my life, but I didn’t cause him to cheat on me. I attracted this car, but I didn’t cause it to be stolen. I attracted a healing, but I didn’t cause my disease.
You can’t only manifest your desires, which are just emotionally charged thoughts, and not manifest your fears equally.
You can’t only manifest what you like and not what you dislike.
You can’t selectively manifest the things and people you love and not manifest those you hate.
Either you created, manifested, and attracted everything and everyone, or no one and nothing!
Here’s why.
Manifesting is not a technique but your natural state of being
If your mind creates reality, it does it all the time and has done since you gained consciousness. If one thought creates a certain kind of consequence in the “real world,” another thought also necessarily creates a different kind of consequence. If your thoughts influence your reality, it’s not a material, separate, independent “reality” but a mind-made creation.
You are manifesting all the time without being aware of it. Your every thought, emotion, and belief leaves a mark on the fabric of reality and influences everything around you.
It doesn’t happen only when you want it to, like when you’re doing your deliberate creation processes, but all the time. There is no pausing this process. To stop it is to cease existing in this reality or for reality to stop existing. When you stop dreaming, the dream world disappears.
This world either completely ignores your inner world, your mind, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, or it revolves around them. If you want to know what your predominant beliefs are, just look at your life and reverse engineer it. What beliefs and emotions would cause these things to happen in my life?
If these ideas of “as within, so without” are factual, then you have to accept responsibility for everything in your life. No exceptions. You either have power over your reality, or you don’t.
You can’t expect your two times ten minutes per day of self-work to create miracles, completely reverse unhealable illnesses, bring back your lovers, give you millions, and make you a star but somehow believe that the bad things aren’t a direct result of the other 99% of your thoughts, emotions, and self-talk. What kind of delusional logic is that?!
Your life situation and everything and everyone in it are the direct result of your inner world, including your beliefs about yourself, the world, other people, and your relationships. Your reality will always seamlessly conform to your dominant inner ideas. It is as if the only job of the universe is to prove you right about your beliefs and assumptions!
All men are jerks - yes, you are right. Here’s another jerk.
I am unlovable - yes, you are right. Here’s another example of someone who doesn’t love you.
I am a helpless victim - yes, you are right. Here’s another villain to confirm your belief.
It’s hard to make any money - yes, you are right. Here you go, work hard and make close to no money.
I have the worst luck - yes, you are right. Here you go. Something horrible just happened to confirm your thesis.
I am so fragile, and my immune system is damaged - yes, you are right. Here’s another virus, bacteria, or disease to prove you right.
It’s not complicated
Your job as part of the creative process of reality is simple—convince your subconscious mind of new beliefs about yourself and the world, and it will begin printing out a new reality according to new input. The more natural and effortless this process is, the better. You must become a different person on the inside, and the world will begin treating you differently. That’s all there is to it, from what I can tell.
You’re only done when you don’t even think or care about the negative life situations anymore because you know you’ve created them, and as you change your mind, they will change all on their own. They don’t have a choice. It’s just how the world works. A new man or woman - a new freaking universe. From some points of view or interpretations (quantum mechanics and quantum jumping), quite literally. It’s already done, and no one can change it now.
Let me ask you this - what do you think packs a more potent emotional and vibrational punch:
Your wish or fear?
Your like or dislike?
Your happiness or absolute misery?
Your love or hate?
Your preference one way or your preference another way?
What do you spend more time dwelling on? What is your dominant belief about anything? What do you think about most often, and how? What comes more naturally to you? What seems more probable? What do you expect more often? (good or bad?)
It’s quite obvious, isn’t it?
The direct copy of your mind is printed all around you in this thing you call reality. Your life, and everyone and everything in it, is just a projection, a mirror of your inner world. It always has been and always will be.
Unfortunately, there is no pause button—just some perceived lag in when you get to experience it all. This might scare you or anger you, but there’s another perspective available for the taking.
Since you now take full responsibility for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in your life, you have regained ULTIMATE POWER over your life.
All of the bad things and people, all the things you dislike and complain about, just transformed from obstacles to your belief in the Law of Attraction to enforcers of the self-evident power you wield!
Yes, you created all the bad in your life, but this can only mean one thing - you have the power, true power to change it to your liking as well. You were always the opulent power. You just didn’t know it. Now you do.
What, oh, what will you do with all this power?
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