In a Simulation, Anything Is Possible Because Nothing Is Real
Do you believe in aliens, angels, demons, gods, hollow earth, parallel universes, miracles, or any other fringe idea? How can you know if it's real?

Have you ever wondered how it is possible that so many people - millions upon millions - see and believe things that can’t possibly be real from your perspective? The thing you call “reality, science, truth, and fact” but realistically contains a fraction of what is known and possible.
People have reported seeing and experiencing some weird things - impossible things
Throughout history, people have seen things science can’t explain, like Gods, angels, demons, aliens, time travelers, hollow earth, monsters, miracles, curses, various afterlife experiences during near-death experiences, and so on. Most see these “anomalies” as nonsense, seeking attention, or crazy talk.
Are all of the people who claim they saw demons or angels or have talked to God insane?
Are all people claiming to have seen Aliens lying and making things up?
Are all the people with alternate, unexplainable experiences just plain wrong?
Are they delusional, or is there something there?
Allow me to offer a different perspective—one where you are both right. They really did experience what they believe they experienced, and you, who claim that such things aren’t possible, are also right. Welcome to my little corner of the world—a universe full of wonders and endless possibilities, where nothing makes sense, and everything is completely logical at the same time.
In a dream world - a simulation of the mind, everything is possible
Most people think of video games when they think of a simulated reality. After all, video games are our creations, the pinnacle of what we can create. Or are they?
I would challenge that view by comparing the nature of our reality, the simulation we inhabit all our lives, as more of a dream world. In effect, we are stuck within our minds. It would appear it’s a multiplayer mind/dream/simulation. Spiritually inclined people often refer to this as “the one mind.”
Whatever its true nature and form, this is our sandbox where we live. We see, hear, and feel it as real, but we could never know the difference. We don’t know any other way of living and perceiving the world around us. A fish born in the glass bowl believes that it is the whole world and knows nothing of the ocean, much less of who and why put it in the glass bowl in the first place.
For now, let’s assume that what we call a reality is just a projection of the mind, an illusion, a mental simulation. I’ve written about this idea before, and if you’re new, please see the articles in “the nature of reality” section here.
Are you limited in your dreams?
When you close your eyes, do you experience any limitations? If so, who set those limitations? Who made the rules of your dreams? Someone else? Are there some universal laws that we all have to abide by?
Isn’t the simpler answer, and the only possible one, that it’s you? You’re the one who determines what is and what is not possible in your dreams. Isn’t that so? Of course, it is.
Here’s the catch, though. You don’t do it intentionally, for the most part, do you? You are not in control of your dreams unless you’ve trained yourself to take control during your sleep. Who then sets up the rules, laws, characters, and stories that play out in your dreams?
Unless your mind was hacked, the answer is still YOU—more to the point, your subconsciousness. It is done automatically, without your “go ahead,” isn’t it? We often feel we have no control when we dream and seek to interpret what those dreams might mean. Anyway, we agree that a part of you controls everything in your dreams, even though you don’t do it intentionally, right? Yes, you’re even the source of your nightmares!
What happens if you wake up and retake control of your dreams?
Suddenly, things begin to happen the way you direct them, don’t they? It’s no longer a completely automated process, but you have a say in the movie being played on the screen of your mind.
Essentially, as with daydreaming, you imagine things happening the way you want them to. Are you still bound by the same rules in your dreams?
Can you fly in your imagination?
Can you see yourself with a family or lover if you are single?
Can you choose to fight and win against impossible odds?
Can you drive a car in your dreams, shoot monsters, or sleep with whomever you want?
Can you imagine yourself talking to gods, angels, and demons? Even dead people?
You can, right? Your dreams and imagination have no limitations other than the ones you specify. Let’s bring this together now and see if any of it makes sense.
The simulation we live in is just you dreaming up a reality
If, and we are playing with ideas here, not claiming to know the ultimate truth, we are living in a mind-created simulation, then the same principles that apply to dreams and your imagination apply to this reality.
The only difference is that with dreams, you understand your role once you wake up, but we’ll probably have to wait until the end of our lifetime on this plane to find out if it was all just a dream.
As long as you are TRAPPED INSIDE YOUR DREAMS, you are bound by the limitations, stories, and characters that your subconsciousness serves up. You are essentially a victim of whatever happens in there.
You can’t take control or change anything while dreaming. Until you wake up and realize it was all just a dream. Then, you realize you were never in any real danger and were always the only one with control over your mind. The dream world has lost its grip on you. You are free of the dreams' terrors, limitations, or pleasures.
If we live in a dream-like simulation caused and controlled by our subconscious mind, then similar rules would apply.
In dreams, the only limitation is our imagination.
In the simulation, the only limitations are our beliefs.
Why beliefs? Because we’re not in direct control of the simulation, our subconsciousness is directing the movie of our lives according to our beliefs. We’re not powerless, but we can only feed our subconsciousness new beliefs and ideas, and allow it to do its thing. Our thoughts then manifest in our perceived reality, as if by some miracle or nightmare (desires vs fears).
We each live in our own world and set individual limitations and “truths”
It’s safe to assume most of us dream similar dreams in the macro but completely different ones in the micro. This means that we probably all dream of similar rules of environments, gravity, death, sex, love, people, and monsters, but we experience them in an individual way. The surrounding dream world is similar, but the stories, characters, and how the world reacts to us are different for each and every one of us.
I suppose one could say the same of this so-called reality. We all believe in gravity, the sun, aging, birth, death, etc, but as for everything in between, we have individual perspectives, ideas, and beliefs.
Here are a few examples to consider:
Some people are religious and believe in god or gods, angels and demons, heaven and hell. Their perspective will always include those things in some manner. What they see and experience will have deeper meaning and explanation in connection with those beliefs. People see God or the Devil in everything because that is what they believe.
Other people believe in aliens. When they see things they can’t explain directly, they would be more prone to explain it away as alien. Alien technology, alien kidnapping, sightings, UFO’s, etc. If they died for a few moments or got high on magic mushrooms and saw some foreign-looking beings, they would assume they were seeing aliens or some interdimensional beings. Those with predominantly religious views would be sure they saw angels or demons. Who is right? Both? Neither?
This illustrates how we interpret things differently. But in this simulation, our beliefs, not just our perspectives and interpretations, determine our lives. In short:
If you believe in God and desire, fear, or expect religious experiences, you are very likely to have them. From your point of view, they are real. Since we’re talking about being trapped in our minds, they’re no less real than anything else you see, feel, or touch in this world—a world of your mind.
If you believe in aliens and desire, fear, or expect to see them, you will most likely see them or at least be exposed to more indications of their existence in some way or another.
Most would dismiss these interpretations as just that. We see things we can’t explain and give them meaning according to our beliefs. Fair point! This is undoubtedly true of almost everything. However, there is more to the story.
In the world of the mind, the mind is a literal God, and anything is possible
I will refer you back to the dream world. We’ve established that there are no limitations in the dream world. It’s just our mind making things up, and they look and feel real to us when we sleep. We’re playing with the idea that we live in a mind simulation, a dream world through which we cannot see as long as we are alive.
The only governing force in such a reality is the mind. There can be no other. This mind can make up things like Gods, limitations, laws, and limitations. But they’re not real and are not universal to all. Each mind creates its own world. Each simulation is unique for the player, even if this is a multiplayer game we’re playing.
Have you ever noticed that what seems to be true for some is not true for others?
For some, making money is easy, and money is lying around everywhere, waiting for them to pick it up. For others, the only way to get money is to toil away and work hard. Who is right? Both? None?
For some, relationships are easy. They don’t argue or fight, aren’t abused, and can easily find new mates when they want. For others, it is the source of constant struggle, pain, and sorrow for others. The same world. The same general situation. But a completely different experience.
Some, consumed by fear, always seem to struggle to get hurt, sick, rejected, or fail. Others who have different beliefs flow through life effortlessly. They never have accidents, they don’t get hurt, they don’t get sick, and everything just sort of works out for them.
Some believe they will heal from the same illness or damage as those who don’t believe they can heal. The first will indeed get better, sometimes all by themselves, while the other will only get sicker. So, who is right?
Aliens are real, demons are real, god is real, and nothing outside you is real at the same time
If you believe something is possible or impossible, you are thinking from a perspective or a material reality outside of you. You live somewhere outside your mind and are helpless to change that reality. This is how most people live. You haven’t seen compelling evidence of god or aliens, so they don’t exist. Or aliens aren’t possible because you believe in a god who created humanity and everything in this world, and he didn’t mention any aliens (apart from angels and demons or Nephilim, who are literal aliens, but let’s not go there).
If you are willing to entertain the idea of living in a simulation, a mind-made illusion, a projection, a dream world, then EVERYTHING YOU SEE, TASTE, HEAR, AND TOUCH is a figment of your imagination. It appears real, just like when we’re dreaming, and is indistinguishable from reality, but you’re still stuck in your mind. It’s just as real as your mind makes you believe it is. Whatever you believe, the mind then makes it real FOR YOU.
Close your eyes and picture a pink elephant. You see it, don’t you? Is it real? No? But you saw it. If you had seen it in your dream, you would have believed it to be real. What if you’re simply dreaming that you are living in this reality, and the simulation is just your mind creating a world per your beliefs and expectations?
Look around you and realize there is a non-zero chance that everything you see, hear, and feel is in your head. How do you sense things? Through your brain. You believe you have sensors on your fingers, eyes, and tongue, but even in a strict material scientific sense, every one of those signals goes through the brain, where it is interpreted.
You don’t sense, see, hear, taste, or feel anything directly! That’s not a thing. It feels real, but it’s not. It’s just your brain telling you what it wants you to know. We can already mess with those signals. Cut off your pain receptors. Make you feel certain sensations by connecting directly with your brain. In a couple of years, people with no nerves will be able to walk thanks to neural chip implants. We will soon be able to tell the brain whatever we want without it being true or real and see your thoughts, read your emotions, and steal your data directly from your head.
What if that is already happening, but on a much larger scale?
The Matrix simulation
Go and see the Matrix if you haven’t yet. In the movie, we are presented with the idea of evil robots who have us trapped in pods and connected to virtual reality - a simulation where we believe we live our lives. That is what we perceive as reality, but it’s not. The movies are fun, but they have also helped millions think about the possibility of being trapped in the Matrix (simulation, virtual world) themselves.
I don’t usually talk about that kind of a simulation, but one more akin to a dream caused solely by our collective minds. However, I still find this example fitting. All the people trapped in the Matrix believe they are living real lives. They perceive their bodies as real. They fall in love, struggle, suffer, and enjoy life to the fullest. The simulation is indistinguishable from reality for them.
Then there are those who understand that the Matrix, the reality those people live in, is just a simulation. A simulation that can be hacked, altered, and played with. Those hackers of reality give themselves superhuman properties and everything they could possibly want or need by the push of a button.
Then, along comes “The One.” Neo, upon awakening, can essentially control the matrix with his mind. Seeing it for what it is, he manipulates the laws of gravity and makes himself able to fly and do all sorts of cool things. Once he began to believe that he was the one—that he could do all those things—his powers were essentially limitless.
Beliefs and reality
What if all these limitations to what is real and possible in our own reality are all self-imposed via our beliefs? Beliefs that our subconsciousness then manifests in this dream-world-like reality for us to experience?
What if aliens exist if you believe in them?
What if god exists for you if you believe he does?
What if gravity exists because you believe in it?
What if everything you see and experience is nothing more than a figment of your imagination and a product of your beliefs and expectations?
What if nothing is real?
What if there is no “outside” you?
What if everything you believe is true only because you believe it?
What if your mind is the only power in this reality?
What if indeed!
Why do more and more people see and experience the same things?
I would imagine the first person who “saw” or “believed they saw” an alien, then told their friends. Then, the tribe, the news, TV stations take over, etc. Long story short, the word gets around. Some believe it outright, and some still take it in but dismiss it as truth. Give it a few years and more and more exposure to the topic, and your mind will absorb the idea of the possibility of aliens. As that enters your mind, it takes root.
The more time you spend thinking, watching, talking, or reading about aliens, the more your consciousness will be saturated with the subject, and the more it will keep showing up in your life. I guess the simulation has algorithms similar to social media that feed you content similar to what you interacted with. The same goes for religion and everything else. So, please be careful what you allow to enter your mind.
As we’ve proposed in our thesis, once your subconscious beliefs are saturated with aliens or any other beliefs, it will start projecting these ideas into “your reality,” thus confirming they are a real phenomenon.
I’m not saying aliens will abduct you if you watch a lot of Joe Rogan, but you will see more “confirmation” regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life if you are inclined to believe it’s real. Otherwise, you’ll get more and more confirmation - proof that it is, in fact, not a real phenomenon.
Whatever you believe, you are right because the simulation will act out your beliefs all the time
The same applies to any other belief, fear, desire, or idea. The more you think about it, the more it will show up in your life. You feed the subconscious mind, and in turn, the subconscious mind projects what you expect to see in this reality. Round and round we go.
Now, we could explain that away with the principle of selective attention, where when you focus on something, you NOTICE more of it. Nothing more is created, attracted, manifested, or shown up; you just notice it more as you focus on it. Fair enough. It’s an entirely logical conclusion.
Only my experimentation, and that of millions of other people worldwide, suggest that that is not the whole story. I know that if you are new to these ideas, it will all seem like mumbo jumbo, which is okay. I felt the same way. But then I did the unthinkable. I read all I could find on the subject: scientific, mystical, practical, theoretical, and spiritual. Furthermore, I committed the ultimate sin - I experimented with altering reality myself.
It took a fair amount of years before I was even willing to consider the idea of mind over matter in this reality. Alas, it was an inevitable conclusion. Once you see the “matrix/simulation” for what it is, wake up from the dream, and the veil of illusion falls, there is no going back.
Those experiments made one thing very clear - whatever the nature of this reality - it is not what we perceive it as. Our minds are indeed in control of our reality. Patterns are revealing themselves everywhere if you’re only willing to look. The question is - are we in control of our minds?
So, how do we proceed? We explore further, dig deeper, and plow through layer after layer of illusion, hoping to catch a glimpse of “the truth.” This is a noble goal, but I’m afraid we might not like what we ultimately find.
What if nothing outside us is indeed real?
What if everything is simply the mind?
What if we are the gods in our reality?
What do we do with this knowledge and newfound power?
What indeed.
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Thank you for writing this!