Fear Is Nonsense in a Mind-Made Simulation
Being afraid is not only insane in a simulation but also directly causes more reason to be scared by proving that your fear is correct. Fear is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Our reality is mind-made, and it responds to your thoughts
Wherever you come from, be it science (Quantum Physics), religion (God is all, as you believe, so are you), the Law of Attraction and Assumption (as within, so without, like attracts like), or just about any other philosophy (Stoic philosophy - the only thing you control is your mind) you eventually come to the same conclusion, if you deeply understand the core teachings.
That conclusion is that your mind determines everything in your life. It determines your level of happiness or misery, how you perceive everything, your emotions, relationships, success, luck, and, yes, even the amount of suffering you experience. In short, the mind is what we should all focus on but mostly ignore.
For this thought experiment, we will again be using the model of reality I call “a mind-made simulation,” but it’s essentially just our reality. I emphasize mind-made so we don’t forget that we’re the determining factor in everything and everyone in this reality. I call it a simulation because it indicates that it’s something of a game of life, a temporary realm that is programable.
Feel free to read all the articles in this publication's Nature of Reality section. It will help you understand how I perceive this so-called reality and what it means in practical terms.
The number one reason why fear is absolutely unnecessary in this life is the following:
You and your mind contain the whole reality
You create everything in this reality.
You are everything that you see and interact with.
You are everyone you meet, talk to, love, hate, dream about, or fear.
You determine what they think, feel, and do concerning you.
Other people don’t have free will in your mind-made simulation.
No one outside your mind has any power over you.
Nothing and no one creates your reality for you. It’s always been you (after you grew up - before, it was your parents to a large extent).
Here’s a simple illustration of this flawed perception, trapped in an illusion.
Do you remember when you had a nightmare?
When you were so terrified, you thought you were going to die? Something horrible was happening, and there was nothing you could do about it. Some evil people or monsters were hunting you. You were afraid, and it felt just as real as this “real life” does now.
When you were trapped in the nightmare, you believed it was real. You perceived everything as real. You fell for the trick of the mind. At that time, you didn’t realize. That was your reality, and you were not in control. Those people or monsters were all external beings (not you) with their own minds, desires, and will. You were a victim, and you were in real danger. Right? That is how it felt - that is how you perceived it.
What happened when you woke up?
You realized it was just a nightmare. None of those people, monsters, and danger was a real threat. You were never in any real danger. It was just a dream, and dreams can’t harm us.
What else can you deduce about the people in your nightmare?
Were they real people?
Did they have free will to do what they wanted, or were they mere puppets of your mind?
Who determined how they behaved?
Who determined what they liked and disliked?
You did. Your mind did. You created everything about them, quite literally. But the thing is, you didn’t do it intentionally, and you weren’t aware that you were doing it at the time. You only realize this in retrospect after waking up.
The exact same thing happens to those who awake from this simulation
They realize that all the problems they experienced—relationships, accidents, violence, all the bad and the good—were their doing. They may not have done it intentionally, but understanding the mechanism of this situation we call reality, they now see the patterns and connect the dots. Some are more obvious than others, but the source of everything is always the same—us and our minds.
Listening to testimonials and if you have had a near-death experience yourself, it could be described as something similar. You wake up from the dream or nightmare of your life into a different reality where everything is perfect. You feel free, at peace, surrounded by immense love, realizing your oneness with all. You recognize all those fears and problems don’t matter anymore. Perhaps they never did.
You determine everything and everyone in this reality - so who would you fear?
If you understand that nobody and nothing can just happen without you somehow making it happen through the content of your mind, who or what is left to fear?
Wouldn’t that make other people mere puppets, the product of our imagination, and therefore not real?
The short answer is maybe. The long one plays with oneness (we are all one mind), the option of this simulation being a multiplayer game but designed in a quantum realm, where we exist simultaneously in multiple dimensions, all of us, and then jump from one to another, according to our beliefs.
I know. Explaining this mess is tricky. Just to reiterate - I don’t know the ultimate form of this reality, the universe, and our connection to it. I can only explore different options and form opinions based on my understanding and experience. Anything is possible, and we’ll probably never know the whole truth until the day we exit this simulation (die in this life).
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
Why? Because what you think and feel determines what happens to you in this reality.
When you are afraid of something or someone, you are literally creating them in that form into your reality. We always get what we think about, believe, and expect from this simulation.
If there is a scenario we fear, especially if we are consumed with fear, then the simulation will oblige us to give us more things to be afraid of and more proof that we were right to be scared. These things, situations, and people didn’t happen to us. We made them happen - we created them (though unknowingly).
If, on the other hand, we are not afraid, don’t even think about those same scenarios, or see them in a completely different light (king, good, helpful, beneficial…), then that’s the version of events and people we experience in this reality.
Said another way:
If person A fears riding a motorbike because they believe it’s dangerous, the simulation will prove them right. They’ll see accidents everywhere and meet people who share their beliefs. If they ride motorcycles, they will experience an accident sooner or later. They have to. The simulation is obliged to give them what they believe, expect, and focus on. It doesn’t have a choice.
If person B believes that motorbikes are a safe form of transport, if you’re smart about it, he will meet people who have been riding all their lives without an incident, will hardly ever encounter an accident, and will ride happily for the rest of their lives. The simulation must make riding safe and prove their beliefs right. Again, it doesn’t have a choice.
Another example:
If mother A is afraid of her child getting sick, the child will always be sick. If she also believes parenting is stressful and tiring, it will be—for her. The universe obliges, always. There is no judgment there, only an eternal YES, you are right. Here’s more proof of your beliefs.
If mother B presumes she has the most healthy kid alive, the child will indeed be healthier than most other kids. If she also believes that parenting is easy, kids mostly sleep through the night, and that everything always works out for her, the universe or simulation will oblige her with a lovely experience of parenthood.
One more, to seal the deal:
If you are afraid of other people, believing them to be evil, cruel, and unkind, and you believe yourself to be unlovable, this is what the simulation will serve. Its only job is to prove you right by giving you experiences that correspond with your beliefs about yourself and everything and everyone around you.
If you see only good in people, believe them to be loving, kind, and helpful, and believe yourself to be lovable, attractive, and sought after, this simulation will confirm your beliefs by giving you the experiences that will confirm your beliefs are correct.
We are all living in our own realities, and what is true for one is not true for another because the simulation will render itself in accordance with the content of our minds. Since we have different beliefs, experiences, and perspectives, we all perceive reality differently—quite literally.
Remember, the universe always says: “Yes, you are right. Here’s your proof.”
The person who is afraid of something is right, and the person who is not afraid is also right. Both will experience a different reality in accordance with their beliefs.
Fear, then, is not some rational emotion or thought process but a creative force for bad in your life. The more you fear, the more reasons you will have to fear. Fear doesn’t help, but it does make things a hell of a lot worse in every possible way!
Everyone playing with mind-over-matter ideas focuses on their desires, affirming and visualizing what they want, but conveniently forget that it works both ways. Fear is a powerful emotion, and accompanying thoughts manifest a lot more frequently and effortlessly.
With desires, we are full of doubts and fight against a whole list of limiting beliefs. We keep checking if we’re on the right track and want to force our desires into manifestation.
With fear, it’s a lot more natural to us, and it complies with what we believe about this world and ourselves. Our resistance to what we fear happening fuels the manifestation of the thing we fear! We just sort of “know it will happen,” and so it happens. Sad, but true.
If you don’t want something to happen, stop thinking about it!
No, you won’t be better prepared for the eventual scenario of what you fear - you’ll just make it happen.
No, the future scenario you fear, while possible, is not probable unless you keep thinking about it.
Yes, making peace with the possibility of refocusing on the diametrically opposite eventuality (the opposite of what you fear) will ease your fears and help you feel better, happier, and at peace.
Yes, if you choose different thoughts, expectations, and beliefs, you will create that instead of the terrible scenario you are afraid of.
Make peace with the worst-case scenario, and then let it go
If it happens, it will happen, fuck it! But for the love of god, stop thinking about it and dwelling on this horrible emotion of fear. You don’t want to eat the pie you’re baking!
We all have this innate belief that thinking about the thing we fear will somehow make things better when the opposite is true. Yes, be aware of the danger, control what you can, process your fear, overcome it, and refocus on a good future.
Anything is possible at any time, and you don’t know what will happen
Fear is always future-based. The future is unknowable except through the lens of probabilities. The odds of your fears coming true increase dramatically when you think about them all the time, especially if you are feeling strong emotions.
Again - you are creating the manifestation of your fears in your reality by thinking about them!
I know it’s not easy, but if there is one thing you should learn to do, it is to overcome all of your fears, reframe things in your mind, and find peace with surrender to an uncertain future. Subscribe to ZZ Meditations and read the following posts on facing and overcoming your fears.
Decide today that you won’t allow yourself a single thought of fear anymore
When it creeps up, do whatever it takes to chase it away. You must face your fears for them to lose their grip on your mind. Confront them and play out the worst-case scenario in your head. Write down what can happen, what that means, and how you’ll deal with it if it does indeed happen. Then, be done with the matter. Stop resisting it. Stop fighting it. If it happens, it happens, and there is nothing you can do about it, so fuck it!
Find an alternative, good scenario, and focus on that. Affirm it, visualize it, and journal your thoughts around that eventuality. You automatically create what you focus on in this simulation - so don’t focus on what you don’t want, which I assume is what you fear the most.
Purge your mind of fear, and the things you fear will be purged from your reality!
Do not allow yourself even a second of thought on what you don’t want to happen. Don’t watch videos that increase that fear. Don’t read the news. Don’t discuss it with your friends. You have to make it disappear from your mind, and it will disappear from your life.
When in doubt, just remember
You live in a mind-made simulation, and you created everything and everyone in its current state. You made it happen. You are all there is. Everything and everyone is one mind, one presence, one universe, or God.
You are also the only one who can unmake it and prevent such scenarios from repeating. You and you alone. No one else! No one has any power over anything in your reality, just like no one has any power over you in your dreams. It’s your show, and you write the script. The rest are just puppets in your puppet show. Now, choose a good story, give them awesome characters, turn tragedy into comedy, give it a happy ending, and enjoy the ride.
If there is some specific fear or issue you want me to discuss in a future article, please let me know in the comments.
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