Accept responsibility and raise happy and healthy children by changing your mind
Core principles to remember when dealing with behavioral or health problems of children. How to raise children using the Law of Attraction and simulation hacking?
Here’s the essence of the following article in one sentence:
It’s never your child - it’s always you
We cause unwanted behavior in our children
When your child is misbehaving, erratic, can’t sleep, doesn’t want to eat, has problems in school, is angry all the time, is lashing out, wets the bed, is overly shy and fearful, perhaps even anxious and depressed, hyperactive, or whatever else that is the issue you are dealing with, you would typically think:
What is wrong with my child?
Why do they act like this?
How do I fix or help my child?
The problem is obviously with the child, and the only way to solve it is to FIX THEM. Right? Wrong!
You are the source - your children are the result
I know it’s hard to hear this, but it cannot be any other way. You are the source of everything in your life, and there are no exceptions to this rule.
You are the projector - your children are the projected image on the screen of life. Your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and assumptions about anything and everything, including your children, cause what you experience in this life.
You’re unaware that you are doing it and can never stop. You’ve been doing it all your life for everything and everyone. When you notice something about your child that you dislike, always ask yourself:
“What within me is causing this behavior in my child?”
Never what is wrong with my child. The answer to that is always nothing.
They’re perfect the way you created them. A perfect reflection of your inner world. A perfect product of your inner designs, beliefs, fears, thoughts, and assumptions.
Remember: Whenever you want to change something or someone in your outside world, you must always look within for the cause and make changes within your mind!
Your child isn’t behaving the way they are because something is wrong with them. They don’t have a choice. Neither does anyone else in your life. You determine everything, including how everyone is and how they behave in your presence.
If you struggle to understand this, think of reality as a dream
If you were dreaming, all the people, including your children, would be your imaginary characters. You created them and determined everything about them. You don’t realize you’re doing it while you’re dreaming, but only upon waking up. Our reality, while probably not a dream, shares a similar quality.
The mind determines everything, and it does so without your intentional input and consensus or knowledge.
How do you fix or help your child, then?
You don’t. You’re trying to fix a problem at the level of the result, not the cause, and that only ever works temporarily, if at all. To “fix/help” your child, you must “change” your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and assumptions about them.
Example: Your child doesn’t sleep at night
Nothing seems to work, and the more you try to help your baby sleep, the less your baby sleeps because the problem is not the baby - it’s you! Something within you is causing the baby not to sleep throughout the night:
It could be your erratic energy during the day. Since you have difficulty stopping and finding inner peace, so does your baby.
You could have heard that babies don’t sleep at night and are afraid of it. Therefore, the universe gave you that experience, confirming your beliefs.
It could be just a simple belief that parenting is hard, and so it must be.
You might assume that your baby has sleeping problems, so it doesn’t have a choice but to accept your assumption.
Perhaps you, yourself, had or have a problem sleeping and are now transferring this onto your baby as some fact of life.
Maybe you’re trying too hard to “make” the baby sleep, focusing on the problem and fueling it in the process.
Stop looking for the cause in the outside world - you’re the problem.
The more you resist, the more you fight, the more you focus on the issue, and the more of it you experience.
How to change within and allow your baby some well-earned sleep?
Take absolute responsibility. You caused it, and you can solve it from within.
Acknowledge that your baby is absolutely perfect. Nothing is wrong with them. They are perfect.
Change your inner story, assumptions, and beliefs; the rest will take care of itself.
As long as you believe, assume, or give your attention to the idea that your baby has sleeping problems, you’ll continue to experience them. The moment you find the issue within, remove it or successfully convince yourself that your baby is perfect and always sleeps through the night peacefully and serenely, it will be so.
Ask yourself: “What within me is causing this issue in my child?”
I suggest journaling or waiting in silent meditation for ideas to pop up. All the answers are always within you; you just stopped inquiring and are looking for answers in the wrong place (outside you).
Declare what you want to see happen in your life
Before you put your baby to sleep, constantly affirm that you will both sleep peacefully all night and awake in the morning refreshed and feeling good.
Tell your baby some version of this intention: “Tonight, we will sleep all through the night, my darling. We are perfectly safe. We feel good. We are at peace. All is well. Tomorrow, at eight (you decide), we will wake up feeling good, but not before. We will have a beautiful sleep, and everything will be perfect.”
Persist on this idea, and before you fall asleep, imagine and affirm that you have slept all through the night because both you and your baby always sleep well.
Deny any opposing idea, and even if the baby wakes you up at night, don’t make a big deal of it. It’s okay, and it will pass. You and your baby always sleep well, so this one night won’t make a difference. There is nothing to talk about. Everything is fine.
Better yet, claim within that it didn’t happen, and you slept perfectly all up until morning. Rewrite all those memories of poor sleep and frustration. The universe will always say YES to whatever you believe and assume, so give it some new source material to create.
Talk as if your desired behavior or result is already true
Whatever you want your kids to become, tell them that they already are that. Infuse those ideals into them and try not to contradict them. When you address your baby, have fun and rename them into “You little sleepy head, you,” for example.
Criticize and correct them when necessary, but constantly affirm that you know they are who you want them to be. You trust them to do the right thing. You know that they are smart. They will always do the right thing. They are responsible. They are strong and smart. They are confident. They are the best. They are perfect the way they are.
Don’t discuss this problem with anyone because it doesn’t exist
Don’t google for solutions, don’t complain about it, don’t wonder what you can do to fix the issue. If you talk about it, you’re giving it staying power, and you don’t want that.
Deny it. Forget it. There is and never was any problem. Rewrite it with a new story. You’ve never had issues with sleeping, and neither has your baby. Your baby has always slept all through the night, and so have you. This is now the truth, and there is no other.
Convince yourself of that new story, and see what happens!
The same principle applies to everything
It’s never your child’s issue. It’s always yours. The only place to fix the problem is at the source. You are the only source of everything in your life. Therefore, the only place to fix anything is within your mind.
Unfortunately, and it pains me to say this, all that was said is also true for your child’s health.
Example: Your child is sick all the time
If you assume your child is a sickly, poor little thing, they will be.
If you believe that your child is constantly in danger, they will be.
If you are always afraid for your child’s health or safety, you will always be dealing with diseases, infections, and accidents.
If you constantly search the internet for all possible things that could go wrong with your baby, they will go wrong.
If you are terrified of losing your child and think about it a lot, you need to stop because you’re the writer of your reality, and you don’t want what you’re writing into existence!
Your child’s health will always be and has always been a direct mirror image of your beliefs, assumptions, thoughts, and fears about it.
No one is blaming you
You can’t help yourself. Most of us can’t. We generally give into our fears and dwell more on the bad than the good, so this is what we experience, only further confirming that we were right to assume the worst in the first place. Forgive yourself and move on.
We suck at controlling our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. We often allow outside circumstances and other people’s experiences and opinions to convince us that something is true, thus making it accurate for us. It’s not universally true, but it might as well be as long as we believe and assume it.
Fear runs our lives
It’s always easier to create what we don’t want and what we fear because we obsess over it, believe it wholeheartedly, have no doubts about its possibility and assume the worst because that is what our parents and the media programmed us to assume.
We must deny what we don’t like or fear, accept responsibility for everything, and reprogram ourselves to believe and assume a different story.
And this, my dear friends, is the hardest thing of all
How do you, looking at your child who is constantly sick, change your assumption about them getting sick all the time?
How do you “pretend” and assume that your baby will sleep through the night, “like it always has” when you “know” it never has?
How do you rewrite your old memories, which now only serve to keep producing the same story over and over in your life, when you believe them to be “the truth?”
How do you change your beliefs from those of sickness, fear, weakness, evil, and victimhood to those of power, perfection, perfect health, strength, good, and love when it’s all you know, and your reality has always proven them to be true?
Your only work is within yourself
The process of “healing your child” is the same as manifesting anything. Understand that you are not “healing anyone!” You are only changing your mind about them. The only thing that ever needs healing is your mind.
You’re not manipulating others. You’re not altering their body composition. You’re not curing cancer, killing germs, or healing diseases. They are illusionary. They don’t matter. They’re not real. They are nothing more than your mind, fears, beliefs, thoughts, and assumptions being projected onto the screen of perceived reality.
Your only job is to convince yourself completely and without a doubt that your child is and has always been perfectly healthy and strong and that they are the perfect reflection of universal perfection.
You deny the existence of disease. It doesn’t exist. It’s nothing more than a false idea in your mind, an illusion.
Your child has always been perfectly healthy. Rewrite those memories claiming otherwise. They are false, and the new ones are real. Claim it so until you believe it.
IMPORTANT: Do what your doctors tell you, then go within and remove the cause of the problem.
Whenever you look at your child or see them in your mind, see them happy, healthy, perfect, and strong. Always - no matter what!
Imagine having conversations about how healthy and happy they are in your mind. Affirm that everything is perfect and that they are perfect. They’ve always been perfect, healthy, and strong.
Speak to them as healthy and strong. Infuse their minds and yours with the idea of perfect health, strength, and happiness.
Other possible causes of your children’s problems
Our manifestation of behavioral issues or health problems in our children may be a consequence of some other beliefs that have nothing to do with them or this disease in particular.
Beliefs such as these below, when manifested into your reality, cause all sorts of problems for you and your children:
Nothing good ever lasts.
I don’t deserve happiness or to be a parent.
Everyone is sick all the time.
All modern food is poison.
Plastics, the air, polluted water, and electromagnetic radiation poison us.
We have diseases in my gene pool.
There may be unresolved issues with your parents now affecting your relationship with your child.
Your suppressed emotions, such as resentment, sorrow, grief, guilt, jealousy, powerlessness, or fears of all kinds, also infect everything and everyone in your life.
Watching and worrying about kids suffering on the news will ensure you experience more suffering yourself.
General ideas of danger, fear, evil, sickness, helplessness, and so on will also manifest in your children.
Choose a different story and take control of your mind
A perfect mind would produce perfection in this universe. A scared mind will create more things to be scared of, and all the” monsters” it fears will materialize. They have no choice - it’s Law!
What beliefs and thoughts would be best if everything you think and feel determines your family’s well-being? Now, compare that ideal mindset to your own.
See any difference?
If so, is that difference reflected in your life?
Are there any beliefs and assumptions you would like to change so that you can reap the rewards of that inner transformation?
When you encounter a problem or issue with your children, ask yourself what your thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions are about it. Search within for possible causes. Upon careful analysis, you will realize they correspond with the issue you’re experiencing.
Remember - your children are always perfect—perfect reflections of your inner world. You never have to "fix" them, only ever your mind. The rest will take care of itself. After all, this reality of ours is just a projection of your mind.
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