I Know Who I Am: My Word is Law - Daily Rant #41
Believe in manifesting your desires - who do you think you are? What is this reality? Here's a process of rationalizing to yourself, in order to manifest your desires quicker and know it's done!
In today’s daily rant, we will use a process of rationalization
We will begin at the top and work our way down. We will acknowledge that we know who we are, what the world is, and how our reality works. Explaining to ourselves why we know that we have the power to change our reality, we then assert our desires as done.
When we state that we are God and perfection, we are acknowledging that since God is all and God is perfect, that also applies to us, regardless of current appearances and feelings. We strive for this ideal, and by acknowledging that we are all one, all there is, a perfect idea in a perfect universal mind, we are convincing ourselves of the truth because we have forgotten it.
We only ever need to convince ourselves of who we are and what we have, as an existent fact, not the universe and not god, for we are the universe. We are god. We are all part of the one mind, the universal mind. A mind that creates everything in our reality. It creates that all the time and the source “of inspiration” for its manifestations is the content of our mind, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This is the most natural process in the universe and is always in motion. Nothing can ever stop it, but we ourselves, by contradicting our desired thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
The universal mind is a printer, and we are the file (our mind) that gets printed. So, let’s print something beautiful, and let’s not pull any punches.
Rant#41 - I am who I am; here's why
I know who I am. I know my power. I know the law of the universe. I know it always works, just like gravity. I know we are all the one universal mind, connected, and essentially one mind, one presence, one being expressing ourselves in different forms. I know the universe is mental. Everything is mental, and nothing is material and tangible as presented to our senses. I know all this, and there is no thought and no drop of doubt in my mind. I don’t believe it - I KNOW!
I am God, and there is no other. I and the universe are one. I am the architect of my simulation. I am the God of my reality. I am all there is. Nothing can oppose me. Nothing can stop me. Who will stand against God? No one! There is nothing that is not me. I am infinite. I am infinitely powerful. I am infinitely wise. I am the things God is because I am God.
What is true for God and the universe (pick your favorite idea) is true for me. God is perfect, and God is all. Therefore, since God is perfect and God is all, there is no room for imperfection or exceptions. Everything and everyone is, by definition, perfect and the same entity—the all, God, the universe, me.
God is perfect, and the universe is perfect; therefore, I AM perfect. I cannot be anything but perfect, regardless of appearance. Everything in my life must be perfect, as imperfection, trouble, lack, disease, and problems cannot exist for God, so they cannot exist for me.
I deny all false appearances! They cannot be. All is, was, and will be perfect because all is God (universe, spirit, one mind, one idea)! We are all made in God’s image. More precisely, we are all God, and no one is not God.
I deny loss! I cannot lose anything because there is no loss for God, the universe, or the universal mind. Nothing can be lost, everything is always found. Everything that appears lost is now returned, recuperated, and repaid in full.
I deny lack. I cannot have lack in my life because there is no lack for God, the universe, or the universal mind. God is infinitely abundant, and the universe knows only plenty.
I deny loneliness. I cannot be lonely because God cannot be lonely. In the oneness, there is nothing but love. We are all one, and therefore, we cannot experience a sense of separation—only love.
I deny failure. I cannot fail because God doesn’t fail. There is no failure in the universe—only a path to success, a lesson learned.
I deny disease. I cannot be sick because I am God, and God cannot be sick. God is perfect, and since I am God, I am perfect. My body is perfect, my mind is perfect, and my health is perfect, and it cannot be any other way.
I am God, and there is no other. No one can oppose me. My word is Law! The universal mind, that is all there is, always and without fail, creates what I think into it. It never pauses. It never stops. It’s a law of the universe. It is how our reality is created and operated. My word is powerful. I speak with the authority of God. I shall not be opposed! Who can stand between me and manifestation? No one and nothing!
My words shall not go unanswered. It shall return to be in the form of a manifestation. Always, without exception. That’s the Law. As I plant the seed of thought in the universal mind, it is like planting the seed of a plant in the garden. I have done my work, and the law of the universe will take care of the rest. The seed has been planted and will grow in due time.
I know without any doubt that what I decree shall be made manifest. There is no one to oppose me. Nothing can stop this process. It’s the most natural law of the universe, and it has always worked and will always work as intended.
I acknowledge my power, the power of God, the power of the Universe, and the power of my thoughts and words, and I know they always bear fruit. There are no idle thoughts. All thoughts produce some sort of an effect on my reality. It’s the law.
I realize that I am the most powerful manifester! I have manifested everything and everyone in my life. Everything is a direct manifestation of my thoughts, feelings, desires, fears, and beliefs. I realize this now and take full responsibility.
It empowers me as the greatest creator imaginable. I have created a mess and can also create perfection. My work is always first and foremost in my mind. I change my mind, and my reality changes with it. It doesn’t have a choice. The only limit is the limit of my belief and understanding.
I am already who I say I am. I already have all I desire. Everything I have desired has already been manifested, and has no choice but to show up in my reality. It is done! Done, done! Nothing can stop it. Nothing can change it. Nothing has any power over me. I AM who I say I AM!
I am perfect. I am divine fucking perfection. I am a perfect idea in the universal mind. I cannot be anything but perfect, for I am one with the universe. I am God, and there is no other. God is perfect, and God is all. Therefore, I am perfect, and I am all.
I am the best. I am the best that ever lived. I am the best at everything I do. I deserve the fucking best, and I claim it! I demand the best. I give the best. I accept only the best. Nothing but the best for me! I am worthy of the best and only the best. I shall take no less!
I am the greatest of all time. No one compares to me. I have no competition. I am always chosen. I am everyone’s favorite. I am everyone’s first priority. I am “that” I am!
I am a winner. I win all the time. I win at everything. I think like a winner and act like a winner. I’m so used to winning that it’s the most natural thing for me. Regardless of outside circumstances, I always win. I am a winner, and winners win!
I am always loved. I am love. I am all the love in existence. I am God, and God is love. All I know is love. All I see is love. All I experience is love. Everyone loves me. Everyone adores me. I can make anyone fall in love with me. I am loved and adored everywhere I show up.
I am irresistible. I am magnetic. I am charismatic. I radiate pure love, and I receive pure love. I love and accept myself completely as I am, and so everyone loves and accepts me as I am. It is the law. What I give to myself, others give to me as well. I choose to see only love and focus only on love. Love is all there is.
There is only one power in this universe. My reality runs on one idea, one law - as within, so without. Nothing else matters. There are no exceptions to this rule. It is the foundation of my existence - it is reality itself. The mind is all. Everything is mental.
My thoughts, feelings, and words always manifest themselves in my reality. I am the only power that is. I wield the power of God. My word is God’s word. I am all there is, and there is no power outside me. No one can stop me because I am God, and I am all there is! End of debate!
Everything in my life is perfect—and always will be. Everything that happens will be perfect. Everyone I meet is perfect. My every thought is perfect. My manifestations are perfect.
The universal mind that is all, the only mind we are all a part of, is perfect. The law of the universe is perfect. My body is perfect. My mind is perfect. My relationships are perfect. My work is perfect. My art is perfect. All my choices are always perfect. I am perfection manifested, and I only manifest more perfection. I see perfection everywhere, in everyone and everything, regardless of appearances. We are all one, therefore we are all perfect, and there can be no exception.
Everything is always perfect because it is the perfect working of the law: cause and effect. The universe doesn’t judge what we think or feel, it just gives us more of it. The universe or God always answers YES!
God doesn’t deny itself. I am God, and when I see things I don’t want to see in my perceived reality, I realize I am the one causing them. They are perfect because they are the perfect manifestation of my inner world, thoughts, and feelings.
I deny any other power but the one true power of the mind. There is only one power, and there is no other. I deny any false appearance of separation. There is no separation. We are all one. I am all there is.
I reject any idea of being a victim. I am never the victim. I am all there is. I am God, and there is no other. How can God ever be the victim? That is nonsense, and I delete the notion from my mind.
I create everything in my reality and take full responsibility for everything and everyone. Always, no exceptions!
I deny the idea of disease. There is no disease. It’s not real. It’s not material. It has no location and no form. The body itself is just an idea in the universal mind. Everything is mental - no exceptions. It’s an illusion of the mind. I am perfect and always was perfect. I am God, and God is perfect. Any disease appearing in my body is but a symptom of a faulty mind.
Thoughts and emotions manifesting themselves as disease are good as they warn me of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs I must resolve and replace. As within, so without! Nothing that does not originate in my mind can happen to my body. This realization sets me free and reminds me of my power over everything. I affirm my perfection and oneness with all, and the body must reflect these changes. It is law!
(unemployment example)
I am who I say I am! I am fully employed. I am sought after by employers. Companies pray for me to work for them. Everyone loves working with me. I have a steady stream of income. Every day, my income is increasing. I am the best at what I do, and everyone knows it. I am confident. I am capable. I am always chosen. I have no competition. I am indispensable. I am needed. I am wanted. I am loved. I am always safe and secure. I am always being head-hunted by recruiters. Employers are always chasing me. I always have multiple options. Everything I want wants me even more. They need me.
I am the one with all the power. I am God, and God is never unemployed. God never lacks anything. God is never rejected. That is a silly idea. I am who I say I am. It is done. I love my job. I love the people I work with. I have the best job in the world. I’ve always had great jobs with great people and great pay.
I make more money than ever before. I love everything about my team, location, and work itself. I always know what to do. I always say the right things. I always overperform. Everyone is so happy with me and my work. I am the best thing that has ever happened to my employer, and they know it. I am respected. I am appreciated. I am constantly receiving promotions, pay raises, and benefits. I am who I say I am! It is done, and no one can change that!
How’s that for a rant, aye? It feels quite complete and comprehensive to me. We argue our oneness, identity, and power, proving to ourselves the logical conclusions, and then we assert with absolute conviction who we are and what we have. I don’t know about you, but it sure feels a lot more substantial than just affirming something we so obviously lack. Play with it, and see how it feels. Anything is possible. You could surprise yourself.
Remember - you’re not telling the universe, God, or the simulation what you want to be, do, or have - you are reminding yourself that you ALREADY ARE WHO AND WHAT YOU DESIRE! The rest is automatic, as the universal law will continue to print your inner world into the outside reality/simulation, just as it always has. Only now, it has new data and must produce new content.
Dear reader, this is my daily rant, meant primarily for myself. It’s random, unfiltered and messy. My reality is not your reality. I write these thoughts with the intention to process ideas better myself and mold my mind to my liking, and, with it my world. I share them with you in the hope they may be useful to you in some way.
They have helped me beyond words to find inner peace, connect with the all, improve my relationships, remove mental blocks, heal, and alter my reality in more ways than you could possibly imagine.
My perspective will be different than yours, and that is okay. If you find some ideas interesting and useful, play with them. Build upon them. Ignore and leave out the rest. I would encourage you to make a daily habit of writing such rants according to your perspective, ideas, beliefs, desires, and personality.
Don’t just read my rants, write your own!
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If you prefer to read about less esoteric topics, such as focusing on the mind, facing fears, dealing with stress and anxiety, relationships, and parenting, I would kindly refer you to ZZ Meditations, where I write about the more normal and practical aspects of life.
If even these topics aren’t wild enough for you, then I cordially invite you to step into the world of my imagination - Zediction. Here, I let it loose and write fiction.