God Doesn’t Care About Suffering Because Neither Do You
People blame God for not stopping suffering in this world. Here’s the thing - you are God and were created in his image - what are you doing about it?
How do you envision the almighty God?
Is it some larger-than-life fatherly figure ruling over dominion up in the sky?
Is it an energy of creation, nature itself, or love that permeates the universe?
Maybe it’s an assortment of human-like Gods battling it out on some other level of existence.
You could simply deny any notion of a being or phenomena such as God.
Your definition of belief will determine what you think about his or her or its lack of involvement in earthly affairs.
Most monotheistic religions see God as their father, creator, and ruler, who is responsible for their fates and is, therefore, doing a poor job of creating peace and prosperity for his subjects. “How can God allow such suffering in this world,” is a very popular question to ponder when questioning your faith.
If we ignore the most prominent religions, such as all branches of Christianity and Islam, we encounter different views of who or what God might be. Modern quantum physics, simulation theories, ancient mysticism, and spiritual awakening all lead to similar conclusions.
Dive deep enough, and the answer becomes obvious—you are God or at least an inseparable part of God. They use different nomenclature, though.
That conclusion often alludes to oneness
We are all one—one mind, one being, one God, playing different parts.
Since this is also my understanding, I shall play with the idea of all of us being God, a part of God, the God energy, mind, or Universe as one large coherent unity, only illusionary dispersed into billions of perceptually separated entities.
To keep it simple, maybe we are:
All one God, one mind, one being, playing different roles.
Like cells in our bodies. A part of the whole, but limited in our cognition and ability.
All immersed in the same energy, love, and creative power that permeates the universe, separated only by a persistent illusion.
All connected in one mind, one field of thought, where we may communicate, gather information, and feel this oneness that is otherwise absent.
Gods or creators, perhaps programmers or dreamers, of our own realities. We are then all there is, and the whole world is contained within us, just like when we dream.
There are infinite options and possible explanations, but I’m afraid a definitive answer is probably impossible. Why?
Because on this plane of existence, we are bound by our beliefs, opinions, and experiences, and those produce different results and experiences, even beyond death or conscious thought. There is some good news.
Almost everyone experiences a common thread on the threshold of this mortal realm, regardless of their beliefs, and that is a sense of love, oneness, and death not being the end. Believe it or not, these experiences tend to be pleasant for whatever reason and are life-changing. You know, like waking up from a simulation.
You are God - what are you doing about the world and the suffering of the innocent?
It’s always easiest to blame someone else. “It’s not my job!” we like to proclaim. Today, dear friend and God, it is. While nothing is certain, the odds are good that you are indeed the God of your reality. Yes, you are an unwilling and unknowing God, but God nonetheless.
If any of those alternative explanations are even remotely true, there is no avoiding the obvious - you are the creator of your reality. That reality includes everyone and everything it contains. You determine everything. You reign supreme. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is nothing that is not you.
Why doesn’t it feel like it?
Because the whole process happens underneath conscious cognition. You are a clever God, dear one. You’ve created a system, a universe, a simulation, where everything runs smooth as silk, all by itself, simply responding to your mind, including your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings.
The best part? You don’t have to move a finger to maintain this illusion. It’s all done for you by the system you’ve implemented.
The system is limitless, as is your power. The only limitations are self-imposed. You can only create what you put your attention to, envision, and believe. Think of it as code you write unknowingly with your mind, but the universe is altered with every thought.
You believe that evil reptilians rule the world? You are right.
You believe that life is full of suffering and pain? You are right.
You believe that all politicians are corrupt? You are right.
You believe that disease is everywhere? You are right.
You believe that you are unlovable? You are right.
You believe that you are in danger? You are right.
The list is as limitless as all the combined things, beings, and experiences in this universe. After all, you write the code of reality. Whatever your mind contains, the world must also contain, for you are all there is. It’s a doozy, I know.
So, God (you), how much do you care about the suffering of others?
I know you do. You are the God of love. You are compassionate and full of empathy. You firmly believe that if you had the ultimate power, you would turn the universe into a paradise for everyone. Here’s the thing, though.
We all kind of want world peace and the elimination of suffering, but we aren’t willing to do anything about it. At best, we take care of our loved ones. Otherwise, our thoughts reside with our own well-being.
So, God should keep his people safe, fed, and free of suffering, but you won’t do the same?
But what can you do to make the world a better place?
Since we’ve established that we are the Gods, creators, and programmers of this reality, ruling over it with our minds, the answer is hidden within.
We have the power to choose a different universe by focusing on various things and envisioning a different world for everyone.
"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Genesis 1:3
If this reality was your dream - how could you change it from a universe of suffering to one of peace and prosperity? By dreaming of the latter.
If this reality was your simulation, how could you improve it? By reprograming it.
If this reality is a byproduct of your mind - how do you change it? By changing your mind.
If God is all-powerful and has created the universe with word alone, you would speak a new universe into existence. Would you not?
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." John 1:1-3
Here’s an unpleasant and horrifying fact
Those people who care the most about the suffering of others end up being the very Gods who create more suffering in this world.
The more attention we give to horrors, suffering, and pain, the more we unintentionally create it. The universe is a printer of our thoughts and attention. You are a God, and the universe is everything your mind contains.
The more we focus on fighting drugs, terrorism, and violence, the more we think about it, the more of it we create in this world.
The more we focus on curing diseases and helping people, the more we think about illnesses and human pain, the more diseases and pain we create in this world.
The more we focus on helping the hungry, starving children, the more we think about starvation, the more starvation we create.
The more we focus on lack and poverty, the more we think about it, the more we create it.
The more reporters and media apparatus focus on evil in this world, the more everyone now thinks of it, and the more evil is created in this reality.
Reality is like a thought and emotion-eating monster. Whatever you feed, it grows exponentially. The food here is your attention, thoughts, words, emotions, and beliefs. Be careful what you feed the monster (your mind and the universe as they are one and the same).
Darkness cannot defeat darkness, only light can
Why is that? Because as long as we focus on darkness, we get more darkness. The only way to overcome darkness is to focus on the light. The rest will take care of itself.
Focusing on creating abundance and prosperity will defeat poverty and hunger, and the rest will take care of itself. Case in point - capitalism and technology.
The way to destroy sickness is by focusing on health, strength, and love. Not medicine that cures the symptoms of the disease.
The way to eliminate suffering is to focus on happiness, joy, and gratitude. Most suffering is mental, anyway.
The way to overcome obstacles is to focus on the path through or around, not the obstacle itself.
As long as you are thinking in terms of problem-solving, you are, unfortunately, creating more problems to solve.
Focus on defeating an enemy, and you shall create more enemies. Focus on healing diseases, and you create more need to heal more diseases.
You are not fighting the monster. You are feeding it.
It seems unfair until you understand the system
There is no personality, like God, deliberating good and bad, just and evil, and then deciding what shall propagate in the world. That is a flawed way of looking at the world.
Instead, try a different perspective—one in which no one judges things, but all things carry consequences. Imagine a system, a simulation, that thrives on unbreakable rules. Those rules are simple, but they are uncompromising.
The universe is like a printer that prints everything contained in your mind, weighing its importance only by the intensity of your attention and emotions on any subject. It doesn’t judge things as good or bad. It simply prints what is in your mind.
Perhaps you are ready to skip the “printer of reality” part as well.
Imagine you are dreaming of a world filled with people and animals
Are you not the God of your dreams?
Are there any limitations?
Who can stop you from dreaming of anything, good, bad, beautiful, and ugly?
If you wanted to stop dreaming nightmares of suffering, would it help to focus on more suffering during your waking hours?
Would watching images of suffering and crying about it before sleep give you good or bad dreams?
Is it not like feeding the monster that roams free at night, empowered by the horrors consumed during the day? You will reap what you saw!
There is a non-zero chance that you are the God of your reality
The bigger question remaining is the mechanism and construct of how it all works. The mind is all, and the sooner you realize this fact, the sooner you will be able to change your world for the better.
Whatever you believe will always be proven right to you by the whole universe.
If this reality was separated and material, as it appears, none of that would be possible. Your mind would have zero power over reality apart from initiating your actions.
I have learned otherwise, as have millions of others. Your mind is a far more powerful factor in your life than your actions. It determines everything, and I have yet to see an exception to this rule.
Metta meditation is a lovely start to improving the world
When I first encountered a Tibetan monk teaching me the Metta meditation - the Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM), I failed to grasp the meaning of focusing on bettering the world around me. I found it silly and redundant. I now see it as a powerful tool for creating more love, prosperity, and well-being in this world.
It goes deeper, but here’s the jist of it:
You start by giving yourself love and then trickle down onto people you like, those you are neutral about, and all the way to your past, present, and future enemies.
You can chant: “May I be happy. May I be healthy. May I be safe. May I live with ease.”
Choose the words that resonate with you and encompass what you wish for others and yourself. The monk who taught me used different phrases, but I like this version better. His was: “May I be happy. May I be well. May I be free from suffering.” I don’t like the focus on suffering.
Then, you extend those thoughts and wishes to the people you love. Imagine them in your mind, and say to them: “May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be safe. May you live with ease.”
Then, people you don’t know, then those you don’t like, and eventually those you hate.
You can wish all living beings well, living or dead: “May all living beings be happy, healthy, and safe…”
Feel the warmth of kindness as you repeat these phrases. See yourself and others receiving them, living them, being happy, healthy, and safe.
The more and the deeper you send your love and good thoughts, the more good you are creating in this world. But don’t see people as sick or suffering in your mind. Instead, envision them as healthy, strong, happy, cheerful, and thriving!
This act alone, focusing on and spreading love, health, and happiness to others, will fill you up with positive emotions like you wouldn’t believe. It is worth doing, just for personal benefits alone!
Do your thing, God - the sky’s the limit
You are God, so you can choose another method to create a better world for your fellow living beings.
Some have found visualizing a perfect world and affirming that they live in a perfect universe of love a potent alternative.
Others affirm: “I love you” all day, every day, at all things, beings, and for no good reason at all, yet report similar findings (Ho'oponopono). Their worlds begin reflecting this focus on love.
Whatever you choose, the less you focus on the evils, and the more attention you give to the good in this world, the better the (your) world will be.
After all, you are God, and the world is nothing if not a direct product of your mind. What are you feeding the printer/monster/mind/universe?
What if you are God and aren’t creating any good in this world?
What if you’re the one people pray to for salvation?
What if you can grant them their wishes by imagining a better world?
What if this universe, a reality that appears material and separate, is just a figment of your imagination, and everyone in it is at the mercy of your thoughts?
Isn’t that a terrifying idea? Or is it perhaps empowering?
What if you could definitively, impactfully, and permanently improve the world and the lives of everyone in it by spending an hour per day creating a better world in your mind?
What if indeed!
Look at the things you pay attention to, and think long and hard if you want to create more of them in this world for yourself and others.
How much time and attention have you spent creating peace and prosperity in the world today?
Will you grant people their prayers, or nah, too busy?
Practice being a benevolent God by wishing and envisioning everyone you meet as happy, healthy, loved, safe, and wealthy. See them smile, jump out of joy in your mind, and bless them with good fortune.
You might object - but the odds of me being a God aren’t good? Can you really take that chance? What does it cost you to imagine people as happy and bless them with your thoughts? Nothing but a little time and attention.
So, how much does God (you) care about the suffering of the innocent?
How much time and energy is God (you) willing to spend on making the world a better place for everyone?
I don’t know the answer - only you do! While you’re at it, bless me as well, will you? Fine, I’ll start. May you, yes YOU, be happy, healthy, safe, free, loved, and wealthy, now and forever! Amen.
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