What If Biblical Heaven Isn’t About the Afterlife?
What if heaven is not some future promise and reward after death but a possible state of living right now? Is heaven during life even possible? How?
I would like to start this essay with a simple observation. The Bible and most religious texts were written ages ago. I firmly believe that we have completely misinterpreted their content because we take it too literally.
Think about it
Who were the people who lived thousands of years ago?
How could you explain complex topics to simple, illiterate people? Keep in mind that only 100 years ago, 80% of the planet was illiterate. Now imagine two thousand years ago.
In all honesty, it would probably look like explaining quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity to four-year-olds. How do we explain complex concepts to young children? Through stories and horrible generalizations, using terms they are familiar with. The same applies here.
The myth
First, let’s remember the basic myth regarding heaven and paradise. It is a place, an existence where there is only good, everyone gets along, we all get what we want, and there is only love, peace, and prosperity. It is an idealized version of life on Earth, without the bad parts, as it were.
Religious texts always list conditions for believers to enter this heaven or paradise. Different religions have different names and beliefs, but they all boil down to: be good, live a good life, think good thoughts, don’t sin, believe in God, and you’ll get there, essentially.
It’s a reward for being a good boy or girl, and Daddy “God” will look upon you favorably. Everything you think and do is being judged all the time. Heaven or hell is the reward in the afterlife or after the apocalypse, depending on your particular belief.
An alternative view
Today, I will offer an alternative perspective and interpretation of paradise on earth and heaven in the sky. I’m not saying I’m right or know the truth.
All I know is that I know nothing, so I wonder and explore other perspectives in search of knowledge that makes sense to me.
I’ve already written about the Bible being more of a self-help instruction manual than a religious text, so I won’t repeat myself.
Let’s break down the simple formula for getting into heaven or experiencing paradise on Earth:
Think good thoughts. Don’t crave other people’s things (wife, for example). Be grateful. Think of God often, and thank him for everything. Believe that he is almighty and takes care of everything, finding peace, strength, and comfort in this faith.
Do good deeds. Don’t steal, kill (unless unbelievers, those are fair game in most religions, lol), or cheat, spread the good word, be a good person, love and forgive everyone, and help each other.
In essence, don’t sin, and be good.
All religions offer their believers a list of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors per their God. If they are good in this life, they will be rewarded in the next.
When there’s another hard reset of humanity, as the “God of love” again decides to murder everyone he doesn’t like, he will spare them, and they will live comfortably in the aftermath. Yeah, don’t even get me started on that.
In a mind-made universe, a mental simulation, that appears to be the construct we inhabit, perceiving it as reality outside us, ironically has similar rules.
Here’s the big difference, though:
In most religions, a god watches over you. This figure is an ultimate personality—vengeful, loving, kind, and brutal. He judges you according to your thoughts and deeds and executes punishment or grants benefits.
Any decent “self-help, mind over matter, the universe is mental, you are God” teaching replaces this personality of God and his judging with an objective Law of the Universe. This independent mechanism runs reality, where like attracts like, what we believe we receive, and where the content of our minds is always, without exception, manifested, projected, and realized in our life experiences.
In short, as within, so without, as above, so below. Whatever you believe, so it is, etc.
Are you ready to tie all this together?
What if this mythical heaven or paradise isn’t something that is only achievable after death?
What if there is no one personality, God or otherwise, who is judging you but an objective, impartial Law of the Universe that determines how everything works?
What if all those sins and good thoughts weren’t decreed to please God but because you will always get more of what you believe and put attention to in this life? (karma, law of attraction, assumption…)
What if your reality as you perceive it is not what it seems ( a material world outside you) but is more akin to a dream, where your mind determines everything to the very last detail (a mental world)?
What if heaven is achievable right here, right now, through the right arranging of your mind, as the universe (life, simulation) always “prints” out the world you experience, using the blueprint of your beliefs?
Do we all live the same kind of life? Do we all experience this life as difficult, cruel, and full of suffering? Is it not true that it would seem like some people live in their own little heaven on Earth while others suffer a living hell?
Could we not say that heaven and hell already exist but are a mental state (happiness, sadness, love, loneliness,...)? Is a life full of love, health, and prosperity not akin to heaven on Earth? Is a life full of suffering, loneliness, and lack not akin to hell?
What can you do with this information?
For starters, you may realize that the content of your mind has always determined your life. You have always been the architect of your simulation, reality, a personalized heaven or hell. You just didn’t know it.
Examine what your version of heaven on Earth would look and feel like
Design it to your liking and become the person who creates or inhabits such a reality on the inside (in the mind).
What kind of thoughts and beliefs would produce this heaven on Earth for you?
If reality, life, or the simulation were indeed a literal printer of your beliefs and thoughts, which ones serve you well and which ones are harmful?
Since your beliefs and thoughts are the cause, not the effect, you’re not observing some objective reality, but are creating one yourself.
Let’s play with this idea.
I want you to consider how your beliefs align with the following statements. Then, ask yourself if you would like them to be true.
Tying it all together, you accept the possibility that you have that choice, uncomfortable as it may seem. You get to choose what you believe, and the whole of your perceived universe must adapt to those changes. It’s Law, after all, and you’re not at the mercy of some God entity with questionable temperament.
A mindset that produces heaven on Earth, right here, right now:
I am all there is. I am one with everything. Nothing and no one outside me has any power over me. I determine everything with the content of my mind, with who I am being.
I live in a wonderful, loving, prosperous universe. There is no lack, suffering, pain, or sorrow. There is only love, plenty, goodness, and perfection. There is always more than enough for everyone, and I always have more than enough.
Everything in my life is always perfect. Everything has always been perfect and will be perfect. It is done. No one can change that. No one can stop it.
I always get everything I want, know all I need to know, and have everything work out for me. Everything I touch turns to gold. I am the luckiest person alive.
I need nothing. I fear nothing. I desire nothing. Because I am everything, I cannot lack anything.
I am love. I radiate love. I bathe in love. I am always loved. I love life, and life loves me back. There is nothing but love in my life.
I am perfection. Everything I do, everything I choose, and everything that happens to me is perfect. The whole universe is perfect, and that leaves no room for imperfection. So be it.
I am the best at everything I do. I deserve the best, demand the best, receive only the best, and will take nothing less. No one is better than me, and no one compares to me.
I am good enough, smart enough, strong enough, rich enough. I am enough. My life is enough.
I am always healthy and strong. I feel young and energetic. My body, metabolism, skin, and organs are perfect. I deny any appearance of disease. It cannot exist in my reality because I am health-personified.
I have the perfect family, friends, home, work, and live in a perfect universe. Everyone I meet is perfect, kind, helpful, and happy.
I am living the life of my dreams, literally and figuratively. I am the architect of this reality. I have decided that everything is perfect, and so it must be. “Amen.”
Should you have a mind that embodies the above statements and consequently live a life that reflects them word for word - wouldn’t that be “heaven-like?”
Food for thought, I suppose. Be well, dear friends, and I hope you get to design a heaven for you and your loved ones.
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