Your Beliefs Are Simulation Blueprints
As you believe, so shall it be—a different perspective on personal beliefs and their consequences. If you struggle altering your beliefs, read this article!
In this short essay, we will talk about beliefs and how they are the cause, not the result of your life experiences. All the wise men have been teaching us that our minds are the source of everything in our lives. It’s a difficult concept to grasp, especially when taken literally.
If what we believe to be true is indeed true for us but not for others, as we live in some sort of a personalized simulation (a mind-made reality), then those beliefs are fundamental. Here’s the problem:
We think of our beliefs as a descriptive commentary about the world
It makes sense, doesn’t it? We live and learn about ourselves and the world around us and form beliefs we mistake for objective facts. Yet, there are very few objective facts in this reality, believe it or not.
How do we know this?
Do we all have the same beliefs?
If the answer is “no,” how is that possible when we live in the same reality?
Are these very different beliefs not all “true” for us but don’t seem true for others?
How is that possible when they are “the truth?”
Here are a few examples:
A belief: “Money is scarce, and you need to work hard just to survive.” Is this true for everyone? How about the rich? The celebrities? The trust-fund babies?
A belief: “All men are cheating bastards.” Is this one true? Of course not, but if you believe it, life has taught you so, and it will be repeating the lessons.
A belief: “Being fit is difficult, and you must nearly starve yourself to keep the weight down.” True for all? Hardly. Billions of people can’t gain weight regardless of what they eat. Billions of people don’t even think about working out or restrictive diets and are much thinner than the people with the above-mentioned belief.
A belief; “God is real, and you can see evidence in everything.” I’m pretty sure everyone doesn’t agree with this belief, yet we understand that those who “believe” it, indeed see evidence of God everywhere.
A belief: “The world is against me, it is mostly suffering, and everyone is evil.” If you believe this, the world will constantly prove you right, and your life will be hell. Not all share this belief, and guess what? Not all have the same experiences in life. For some, life is heaven on Earth. Wanna guess their beliefs?
We believe that our beliefs are the truth about the world, ourselves, our capabilities, other people, and the whole freaking universe because that is “what we know.” We have been taught these beliefs in one form or another and confirmed them with our own experiences. There is no denying that these beliefs are true - for us.
Here’s the catch. They may be true for us, but they are most definitely not true for everyone.
We can attribute this to randomness and luck, or we can reverse the causality and explore another perspective - that our beliefs aren’t an objective commentary on a fixed world but a blueprint of a personalized reality, which then conforms to those beliefs and proves us right.
A new definition of beliefs - they are blueprints of reality
Despite interpreting the how and the why in a million different ways, all spiritual, new age, quantum mechanics, ancient philosophical, and metaphysical teachings have one thing in common. The common point is that:
Our minds, feelings, beliefs, and thoughts are the root cause of everything in our lives. What we believe is true for us. What we focus on, we increase in our lives. The only way to change our lives meaningfully is to change ourselves, as we are the root cause of everything. The observer determines the state.
Again, think of beliefs not as a commentary on life but as a blueprint, a source of how it is for us. The reality they describe isn’t some absolute truth but an individualized, self-confirming experience.
In other words - what we believe becomes true as the whole universe conforms to our beliefs and delivers more proof that they are correct. The caveat? It does so for everyone, regardless of our beliefs, proving each one of us right.
How is this even possible?
How can beliefs dictate our lives? If we perceive our whole reality as material and external, they couldn’t, could they? Our minds would not affect reality as we perceive it.
The thing is, they do. The more you study the mind and its effects, the more you encounter things that we call miracles, luck, superhuman abilities, impossibilities, and freak accidents.
The fringe, the hard-to-explain, impossible odds coincidences never make sense under the “regular world definition,” but they make perfect sense if this reality of ours is somehow a mind-determined illusion. LINK
A dream world is the closest I’ve come to explaining the apparent workings of this simulation we call life, even though it seems more persistent and a multi-player dream world.
When you dream, all the people and events appear external but are nothing more than your beliefs and thoughts displayed in your mind’s eye. The asshole in your dream is rude because you made them rude - you created them as they are. If there is a lack, you created that lack. If you are suffering, you caused yourself to suffer, as you wrote the script - unknowingly, it may have been.
A simulation is another illustration, as with multiplayer games, where the “simulated world with physics, events, difficulties, rewards, and characters” responds to your particular game character, properties, and level.
A level one character will receive level one items/rewards and be able to defeat level one enemies and play level one quests. A level 100 character will experience the same general world completely differently because the world, simulated though it may be, will respond to their stats. The world runs on a script that is responsive to the character’s points.
I’ve written about some possibilities and what they mean for us in the “The Nature of Reality” section, so please check them out.
Changing our beliefs can be easier if we understand them
When you study various teachings, you inevitably conclude that it is you who must change in order to become who you want to become, get what you want to have and achieve what you want to achieve.
Since you realize that your mind, especially your beliefs, forms so much of your experiences in this reality, you begin the almost impossible task of changing your beliefs, which is the motivation for this essay - to help us all look at beliefs in a different light and enable us to change them despite perceiving them as accurate descriptions of reality.
The process of altering your beliefs
You’ve identified something you want to change in your life because you don’t like it. Maybe it’s about money, work, relationships, health, or you simply want to feel better. It doesn’t matter, as the root cause of everything is your mind - your beliefs.
Your beliefs may have been created as a commentary on life, but they are now running the show.
What you believe, beneficial or harmful, right or wrong, true or false, continues to be proven correct by everything and everyone in your life.
The world is conforming to your beliefs - they are the cause of everything, not a harmless descriptive commentary of reality!
When you know what you want, define what it would look like
Then, check your beliefs to see if they are compatible with this new person you aim to become and the world it would require. If they are not, it’s time to change them.
Imagine you were now, at this very moment, the person who lives the life you want to live. You are him or her. You think like them. You view life as they view it. Examine what they see, feel, and experience.
What beliefs would be compatible with this new person and their lives?
Would a multi-millionaire share your beliefs about scarcity, hard work, how expensive everything is, that life is hard, that money is hard to come by, that the world is unfair, that you don’t deserve good things and lots of money, etc.? Surely not! That is not their experience.
Would a happily married woman who adores her loving and attentive husband believe that all men are cheating, abusive dogs, that no one loves her, that she can’t find love, and that she is undeserving of love? Of course not! Her life would be proof of a different set of beliefs, wouldn’t it?
Would a healthy, strong person with a perfect immune system, who never gets sick and always feels great, believe they will get sick everywhere they go, fearing getting infected, catching diseases, bacteria, and viruses? Would they believe that whatever they eat will make them feel sick and that all foods are poison? Would they believe that life is full of suffering and pain, a dangerous place just trying to kill you? Is that their experience? Is this true for them?
The standard perspective would be that they are lucky, and what is true for them is not valid for you. “That X” is not your life and experience. - Exactly!
The remaining question is, what if their beliefs are the cause of their experiences, not merely a descriptive commentary on what the world is like?
Yes, they have lived a vastly different life to us and have formed alternative beliefs. We all understand this. What we refuse to accept, for the most part, is that while it’s true that they were “lucky” to have adopted those beliefs, it may not be too late for us to adopt them as well, despite them not being an accurate description of our experiences.
What would happen if we adopted those beliefs ourselves?
Would that mean that we are lying to ourselves about reality?
Would the world begin to prove our new beliefs correct?
Only one way to find out - experiment and try it yourself!
We can read about other people’s experiences and perspectives, but they will mean nothing until we have experienced the miracle of this underlying life principle in action: " As within, so without; the mind is all.”
I can’t blame you; it’s not an easy premise to accept, and the only way to prove to yourself, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that your mind determines everything in your reality is to test it yourself. Repeatedly and document it because you will inevitably mistake deliberate causality as random chance.
Hopefully, this article will help you alter your beliefs without mental resistance. You will now see that beliefs aren’t just repeated thoughts formed because of what you’ve learned in life but the creative force governing your reality.
Whatever you believe will be true for you—good or bad, beneficial or harmful—so you might want to examine your beliefs and alter the ones you don’t like.
How do we know which beliefs to change?
Once you realize that every thought and belief you hold in your mind will be reflected rather literally in your life, ask yourself: “Do I want to experience more of these thoughts, beliefs, and feelings in my life?” - regardless of whether they have thus far been “true” for me in my personal experiences.
If the answer is no, purge your mind of anything you don’t want to experience and see reflected back at you, replacing them with thoughts and beliefs you want to see more of in your life.
To do that, you must first let go of your old beliefs, understanding that while they served their purpose, you no longer need them, and you most certainly don’t want them creating your life experience anymore.
It is unnatural, I know, to begin at the end, but what if that end is, in fact, a beginning, the source of everything? What if indeed.
Let’s summarize:
You formed your beliefs based on your experiences and social interactions.
Those beliefs were true for you. You “know” them to be true.
These beliefs are not true for everyone, though! So are they even true, objectively?
Your beliefs are not just a commentary of some objective reality we must adhere to, even though it seems that way.
Instead, your beliefs are the building blocks of your reality. They don’t describe reality - they create it and will continue to create it until you change them!
If you don’t like “your reality,” examine your beliefs and see what happens if you change them to their opposites.
If you were the architect of your reality:
What would you crate?
How would you design it?
What beliefs would accurately describe this new reality?
You never know. Maybe the world is completely different with a set of different beliefs (it is). What have you got to lose?