This substack is my experimental project, where I share my thoughts, experiences, and rants, brainwashing myself into becoming the master of my mind.

Master the Mind substack is an experimental project where I share my thoughts, experiences, and rants, exploring ideas of manipulating the world by changing the content of our minds and who we identify as being.

I play with ideas like:

  • The nature of reality

  • The Simulation Theory

  • The Law of Attraction

  • Quantum jumping

  • Mind over matter

  • Reprograming our minds

Interested? - Start here

The nature of reality

Either you and I are God, the universe, the all, and this thing we call reality is a simulation, a dream world, a mental projection, heaven or hell, depending on our mind, or this is the material reality as it appears to our senses, and then we are nothing more than helpless pawns in the anals of coincidence and randomness. 

I have learned, seen, and personally experienced things that completely eliminate this second option (for me). So, it only seems sane to become insane and accept the role of the mental creator of all that is.

I have come to realize that this mentality cannot be embraced half-heartedly. You either believe it fully or remain stuck on a lower level of understanding, helpless to change your world and your life. 

  • If I am right and this is truly all just some sort of mental projection simulation dream, it’s only logical and beneficial to learn to master your mind—the one thing that controls everything in your life and your surroundings.

  • If I am wrong, and we have no power over reality whatsoever, as it is material and independent from us, then you have nothing to lose. Gaining mastery over your mind, eliminating useless beliefs, and finding peace of mind amid outside turmoil can only be beneficial to us all.

Leave your expectations at the door

Don’t subscribe if you’re expecting to be guided through these ideas and transformations. This is where I journal some of my own mental processes, and I have invited you along for the ride. I have no idea what to expect. You’re welcome to read my mental musings, rants, perspectives, affirmations, and other brainwashing attempts.

Waking up from this dream, however, is not always a pleasant experience

In fact, I'm not sure I would suggest you embark on this journey of discovery if you are happy and satisfied with your life. Things tend to break before they can be rebuilt, and in the meantime, you will be one confused, lost, and wondering soul with no firm footing either in this world or the other one.

This is not for you fragile, gentle beings out there! Waking up from a dream can be violent, to say the least.

You’ve been warned!

Want more?

Check out my publications:

  • ZZ Meditation Substack
    (non-fiction, about the mind, perspectives, stress, healing, inner peace, general topics, you are here)

  • Zediction Substack
    (fiction, sci-fi, short stories, horror, fun stuff)

  • Master The Mind
    (an experimental project, exploring the nature of reality, playing with simulation theory, brainwashing myself into becoming the master of my mind)

  • Trading Meditations Substack
    (trading, investing, and Bitcoin, learn from my mistakes)

Here’s a link to a more detailed MAP OF MY PUBLICATIONS.


Subscribe to Mind Over Matrix

Exploring the nature of reality: is reality a simulation, a dream, a mental projection? How to escape or control the Matrix?


Writer Fiction and non-fiction about the life, death, mind, perspectives, overcoming stress, inner peace, meditation, relationships, space, philosophy ...