In a Material Universe, Things Don’t Make Sense
We often encounter impossible things in life and call them miracles or coincidences. But are they or are we missing something?
For the most part, the dominant thought about the nature of our universe is that it is external, outside us, independent, solid, and material in all possible senses. We are composed of cells, atoms, molecules, electrons, neutrons, and protons.
We can only influence the outside world with our actions by physically manipulating matter. When we die, the body dissolves, and there is nothing left of “us” anymore. It’s something most of us instinctively agree on.
Science and our understanding of the world change constantly
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has made some very odd assumptions, such as that time and dimensions are relative and not absolute. They are wholly dependent on the perspective of the observer. An example would be that objects, like spaceships, would experience time differently as they fly closer to the speed of light and even just away from Earth's gravity.
How is it possible that time and physical dimensions change as we change our perspective, speed, and gravity? What is this sorcery?
With the advent of Quantum Mechanics, things have gotten way more complicated as we encounter provable, physical, and mathematical facts that appear to contradict this dominant proposition of a material universe.
Quantum Physics is not a religion, spirituality, or some bogus theory. It’s science, after all! Two of the most famous Quantum Mechanics mechanisms we now understand and take as fact:
Quantum Entanglement: Two particles can be connected in such a way that the state of one instantly influences the state of the other, no matter the distance between them.
Superposition and wave function: Particles exist in multiple states simultaneously until observed or measured, described by a mathematical function called the wave function, challenging the idea of fixed reality in a material universe.
How can particles influence each other at great distances without any time delay or detectable connection? How can one particle be in all possible states simultaneously until an observer is present, and then it changes from the wave function to a solid particle?
None of these things make sense from a classical understanding of our independent material universe. Scientists have proposed a myriad of novel theories to explain similar discoveries about the nature of our universe but have had an impossible time proving any of them. String theory and the Multiple Worlds theories are great examples.
In a material universe, miracles are impossible
What even is a miracle? We use this term for any extraordinary event or occurrence that defies natural explanations, often perceived as divine or supernatural intervention within the context of a material universe. In short, when something we can’t explain happens, defying all odds and logic, we call it a miracle or tragedy on the flip side.
When it conflicts with what we believe about the universe and possibilities, it’s easier to call it a weird, unexplainable exception than to stop and ask ourselves what the existence of such an event tells us about the nature of our reality.
Skeptics are often right to assume it’s just a weird coincidence that we either interpreted wrongly or don’t fully understand. Are they, though?
Well, I am nothing if not a skeptic myself, and I have been all my life. I found all that weirdness to be only in people’s minds, and I was certain there was nothing to it. Miracles aren’t real, and unexplainable things are just the consequence of our lack of understanding—nothing more, nothing less.
Why attempt to understand the nature of reality?
For me, “tragedy” happened, and I got severely sick, almost to the point of making peace with my mortality. Long story short, I had a lot of time and motivation to explore other options. I had an incurable disease, or so the science claimed, so I began exploring other opinions.
Turns out, there was no lack of weird spiritual, energetic, mental, and just bonkers ideas out there. More importantly, I came across millions of stories, confessions, and potential indications that all is not what it seems.
People experience unexplainable miracles daily all over the world, from religious believers to scientists and skeptics. I began on the scientific side and read all I could about fringe experiments involving the mind’s influences over matter, remote healing, the underlying field that connects us all, and just about anything I could find. I knew I was onto something, but I had to understand it, as I’m not a “believer” in anything.
Next, inspired and encouraged to try things myself, I began experimenting. Having read all that information from a different perspective, the standard interpretation of the world, which is full of holes, just didn’t make sense anymore.
Coincidences, freak accidents, or miraculous healing are one thing when they happen to one in a billion. We can easily call that a fluke, a weird coincidence, an odds-defying unexplainable variable we can’t see. Fine. I accepted that.
But not when it happened to millions of people.
Not when people have been telling us why and how they happen for thousands of years.
Not when I have talked to unremarkable people who were certain they experienced those miracles themselves.
Last but not least, not when it happened to me!
I healed from an incurable disease in less than two years, against all odds and medical predictions. I have been experimenting for the past fifteen years, and none of what I’ve experienced and the patterns I now see everywhere can be explained away from a strictly material universe point of view. They are literally impossible!
Mind cannot influence matter in a material universe
We have to hammer this point in. If the universe is as we experience and understand it, therefore separate from us, material, and independent, then our minds cannot and should not be able to influence it even in the slightest!
There are no ifs or buts here. The mind-brain is then just a meat bag in our head: some neurons, a lot of slimy stuff, meat, and blood. Its influence ends with our thoughts. The mind cannot change our body and, furthermore, cannot change, move, create, or destroy anything outside it.
Either everything is separate, real, and material, or nothing is!
There can be no in-between, no exceptions, and no weird coincidences, especially if they can be replicated and repeated, which completely disarms the weird coincidence and false interpretation theory.
Most people believe they live in a universe where everything happens to them unless they physically cause actions and reactions in the outside world. This all made sense until it didn’t anymore.
Until you come upon exceptions.
Until you read and hear enough people tell you they can make things happen with their minds, and you know that they believe it.
Until you read the scientific experiments proving that our minds are connected and influence matter outside us, including other people.
Until you try it out yourself, despite not beliving it’s possible, but continue to experience the impossible.
Until you open your eyes to the possibility that the nature of our universe is not what you had previously believed but is something entirely different.
Change of perspective, and voila - things make sense now
Once you cross that point, everything that made zero sense before now makes perfect sense. All those miracles are now just normal and logical phenomena of traceable cause and effect. The unexplained odds-defying occurrences are now the most natural thing in the world.
Everything you failed to understand about people and why certain things “happen to them” now makes perfect sense. You begin to see patterns everywhere, and the underlying nature of reality starts to wink at you.
But it’s so weird you don’t want to talk about it or even admit to yourself that you are entertaining these ideas. If I say these things out loud, people will think I’m insane. I don’t want to be confined in an asylum pumped up with drugs.
The things that reveal themselves to you are so unnatural, so “out there,” and so blasphemous (if you’re religious) that you would rather just forget you ever went down this road. But you can’t. You can’t unsee what you’ve seen. Believe me, I’ve tried.
Once you see, even if you fail to understand that the mind somehow governs everything, you can’t go back to living the life of the blind.
You saw something in your mind that appeared in your life, defying all odds, all by itself, and you didn’t lift a finger to make it so.
You imagine having conversations with people in your mind, absurd scenes that could never happen, and then they repeat them word for word in your life as if they have no will of their own.
You understand how some long-buried belief or idea in your mind is now literally influencing what happens to you.
You notice how people live their lives as if they lived in separate realities with their own rules because they correspond to their thought patterns. Each of them got what they expected and believed from the same situation.
You envisioned some goal or fear, and it always finds its way into your lived experience, sooner or later.
You have examined your life and everything that happened and now understand that it all makes perfect sense if seen from the perspective of the mind controlling the world.
You notice ridiculous patterns appearing everywhere in the world. Things that make no sense and should not be possible from the standard interpretation of the universe, but they do make sense and are not only possible but entirely logical if the nature of our reality is not material but something else entirely.
Why doesn’t everyone see this inconsistency?
Some do and explain it away per their beliefs. Religious people are a great example. Whenever something they can’t explain happens, they believe God did it. When they pray and get their pray realized, God made it happen. When they experience a miracle that is not possible, they remember that for God, nothing is impossible.
I can understand where they’re coming from. They explain the unexplainable in a way that makes sense to them. There is a version of the universe where - in their reality - there is an entity like God who controls things and makes people’s wishes come true.
When materially focused people encounter miracles, they wave them off and try to forget them as soon as possible. They don’t really have an answer except that they’re just coincidences to which they assign probabilities following their beliefs.
For the religious, seeing miracles empowers their beliefs, but for the scientifically minded, they threaten their understanding of the world. Therefore, they try very hard not to look into them and forget about them as soon as possible, or they simply accept that they don’t yet understand everything, which is fine.
You can’t see what you don’t want to see, and if something doesn’t fit with your model of the universe, you’ll just find an explanation that you can live with and be done with it. We all do it.
Furthermore, we all have blinders and filters in our minds that strongly influence what and how we perceive the world around us. We often literally don’t see and detect things we aren’t expecting.
I do not have answers for you, only questions and ideas
In this publication, I like to play with ideas. Ideas so “out there” that are hard to accept, not only for you, dear reader, but also for me. I’ve learned a lot about myself, the mind, and the nature of the world, but there are no definitive answers here. At least not in this life.
Many people come to conclusions simply because they either need closure, something to make sense of it all or because they believe someone who told them “the truth.” As I've said, I’m not a believer, and I need to understand it all myself.
I also don’t accept answers that are forced upon me and claim certainty in a field that does not know the meaning of that word. The most confident people are most likely completely in the wrong.
So, what is the true nature of the world?
Well, here are our clues, as far as I’ve gathered them, and some ideas:
The mind most definitely influences and creates things outside us. In short, material separate reality is not the answer.
How other people, things, and situations respond to our mental input, visualizations, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions indicates that they are not as real, separate, or material as we perceive them to be.
How time, distances, aging, and dimensions depend on gravity, speed, and the observer's perspective also indicates that they’re not some solid, unchangeable rules of the universe.
I would take this further and presume, given the quantum nature of the universe, superposition, the observer effect, and the theory of relativity, that we - the observer, thinker, and experiencer - determine most things in our perceived reality.
Perhaps the holographic universe theory, suggesting that a volume of space can be represented as a hologram, meaning that all the information in a three-dimensional region can be encoded onto a two-dimensional surface, hints at a possible dimensional component of our universe—one where we see only a tiny fragment or a projection of information encoded on a two-dimensional surface, or can only perceive a small part of reality from higher dimensions.
Nothing outside us is real; it’s all just an illusion of the mind. There is a non-zero chance that we are all fundamentally “stuck” in our minds. The mind, then, is all. Essentially, we live in our dreams.
We could collectively be dreaming up a multiplayer dream-like world or be connected to a simulation created or governed by our minds.
We could be living in some sort of quantum realm where we constantly jump from one version of a possible reality (parallel dimension, universe) to another seamlessly (the Multi Worlds theory).
Maybe the simulation where we live was created by a God-like entity, the grand programmer (it could be aliens or humans), and it was programmed to accept our mental or vibrational input, influencing and altering everything in the simulation. We do something similar in our multiplayer games ourselves with player stats. That would make creationists more right than wrong in ideology, if not in technicalities.
This life could be an immersive game we play, as non-corporeal beings, to keep ourselves entertained. We jump in and out until we reach the next level. Some religions hint at similar ideas.
Maybe we’re just one being, one mind, one entity who managed to split itself into billions in order to know itself, as some spiritually inclined would suggest. We could call this God’s Shichofrenic option or the universe experiencing a Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder).
Or perhaps it’s something entirely different. Who knows?
I’m guessing if there is an existence of awareness after the death of the body, we’ll be as close to finding out as we possibly can. Funny enough, most near-death experiencers, those who have died for a few minutes and were resuscitated, describe some interesting experiences of a similar nature.
Until then, we will continue to observe, experiment, and enjoy this life, whatever it may be, simulated, dreamed up, or real.
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