You’re Not Changing Reality But Choosing a Different One
A perspective shift: You’re not changing this version of you. You’re choosing a different one, in a different reality, and jump it effortlessly.
When you’re sick, lonely, or poor, the mental challenge of believing that you can and indeed already have changed that situation can be overwhelming. Getting from one place to another seems impossible.
Let’s play with a different understanding of our reality
To go from point A (weakness, aloneness, illness…) to point B (plenty, loving relationship, perfect health, power, strength) seems impossible from your point of view.
When everything in your circumstances, all of your experiences, memories, everything you “know” to be true screams at you - “You can’t do it, it’s impossible, maybe for others who are luckier (or smarter, prettier…), but not for you” - it indeed becomes impossible for you.
There is nothing to change but your mind
In this whole “mind over matter, praying, law of attraction, simulation hacking” affair, you’re never tasked with changing the outside circumstances of your life. Read that again!
You don’t have to fix the economy, lift your IQ, use tools or whatever else to change how you look, change your outward behavior directly, make things happen with your bare hands, go out and chase people and your dreams, or heal your body in some literal sense. You may feel inspired to do things differently and, by all means, experiment, but that is never the point, the process, or the goal.
Your only job is to become someone else. A version of you that already exists in the infinity of all possibilities, for whom these are natural and easy things.
This person does all of them with ease. They are perfectly normal to them. They’ve always been. They were always happy, healthy, beautiful, healthy, strong, powerful, whole, loved, accepted, respected, successful, smart... whatever it is.
Your only focus is on finding out who they are and becoming them in your mind. That’s it. Remember what their life is like as if it were your own, and it will be. Become them, and your world will become their world. Automatically.
In a universe filled with all possible versions of you, situations, decisions, paths, and versions of other people, you’re not creating or fixing anything.
You’re CHOOSING a different version of people, yourself included, and the world.
You’re not healing your body
You’re becoming someone who was always healthy, who was never sick. There is nothing to fix or heal. That other person you are now choosing to become is already healthy and perfect—end of story. There is nothing to do - it is already done! Step into that man’s (another version of you’s) shoes and become them instantly.
You’re not changing the mind of your special person
You’re not changing your behavior or appearance to be more attractive (you can, though, because you will feel better regardless).
You’re not finding that one in a million-good person among a rotten bunch to marry and have kids with.
You’re not changing anyone or forcing your will, manipulating other people into liking you.
You’re becoming the person who already had them and choosing the version of the person who already likes and loves you and always has.
Forget the idea of one reality and accept quantum states and parallel universes
In order to accept this possibility, you have to stop looking at this world as linear and as just one possible reality. It’s just not. Quantum physics has proven that.
We’re constantly changing, and on the smallest levels, most of everything is in a state of superposition, which means that all possible versions of states exist simultaneously until an observer collapses one version into his reality.
The first part is science, and the second is a logical extension, which will be impossible to prove other than to yourself through experimentation.
Why? When you choose to be someone else, you move into a different world, where everyone you encounter has always known the other (new) version of yourself. In their world, you are healthy, happy, popular, smart, sexy, and successful (whatever it is). All of these things are natural, effortless, and easy in this “other” reality.
From other people's perspectives, it’s natural and makes sense. You’re most likely the only one who knew the “other world” or the now false past. It’s as if you jumped timelines into another universe, only slightly different from the original one, and you’re the only one who kept the memory of it.
You don’t heal your broken body - you become the other version of yourself with a perfect body.
You don’t change someone’s mind about you - you choose the other version of them who always liked you.
You don’t manipulate a job recruiter to hire you after rejection - you choose the version of them that chooses you.
You don’t overcome financial and economic circumstances - you choose different ones.
You don’t heal impotence - you become the version of you who never had those problems.
You don’t take the old you and drag them through hell to a new set of circumstances. As long as the old you is there, you’ll get the same results sooner or later. The outside circumstances aren’t real. You are, and your world will always mirror your inner world, not the other way around.
When you become someone else, a person without your “problems or deficits,” your world changes with you. You don’t have to change it brick by brick; it’s done automatically—as within, so without.
You show the mirror of reality one version, and it reflects that version back at you. One that corresponds with this current, chosen version of the new you.
Mary loves me, she loves me not
Imagine you like a person; let’s call her Mary (A). She doesn’t like you and never has. You then decide to become a new person. A person that everyone likes, is effortlessly attractive, and whom Mary (B) has always admired and liked.
Wait what? Yes. Not this Mary (A), but the other Mary (B). You then effortlessly transition into a reality that replaces Mary (A) with Mary (B), and you’re the only one who notices this. From her point of view (Mary B), she never disliked you. Get my point?
What did you have to do for this Mary (B) to like you and want to be with you? Nothing other than becoming someone who believes or knows that Mary has always liked and wanted to be with. The rest is done without your “doing.”
You didn’t change Mary’s (A) opinion of you, manipulate her, or drugged her with a love potion. No need. By becoming you (B), you automatically got Mary (B) in the place of Mary (A).
The you (B) was always liked by every woman he wanted. This has always been his experience. He always knew Mary (B) liked him. Also, this other Mary (B) has always liked and wanted to be with you (B).
If we would live in a game-like simulation, this would translate into something like this:
Your character, let’s say Adam (A), has a particular set of beliefs that form points of attractiveness, karma, intelligence, strength, wealth, etc.
You change those points in your mind, like opening a properties tab of your game character, and alter those parameters to your liking. It’s most definitely a cheat code of sorts.
Now, your character walks around the simulation with a different set of parameters (a particular set of beliefs that form points of attractiveness, karma, intelligence, strength, wealth, etc.), and the world responds to him in an entirely different way.
He gets different versions of challenges, difficulties, answers, and options. It becomes an entirely different game when you play a different character. Within the same game world, every player gets a unique experience.
Play with this idea and see how it feels
Does it seem easier to choose a different set of circumstances and versions of people by being a different version of yourself than to change this rigid reality, the only possible reality and version of everything and everyone?
Remember - if you think deliberate manifestation of your desires is difficult, you don’t understand how reality works! It’s the same effort, energy, and process you always used effortlessly and mindlessly. You just didn’t know it.
Who the hell do you think created this version of events, you and the people in your life? You did - that’s who! The exact process that got you this mess will also create a different reality for you.
It takes the exact same “energy, effort, cost, time” to:
Be poor or rich.
Lonely or in a happy relationship.
Ugly or pretty.
Unlucky or lucky.
Weak or strong.
Sick or healthy.
One is not harder or more complex than the other. It’s the same reflection of the inner you and will depend solely on what the inner you contains. Beliefs and identity of _____ (insert properties). The mirroring process of creation, manifestation, or jumping universes will do the rest, as it has always done.
So, let me ask you: “Who are you?” choose carefully, become that person, and watch the world adapt without you lifting a finger.
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