What Am I Looking Forward to - Focus on the Small Joys of Life - Daily Rant #31
“What is the point of going on if it’s hopeless? In today’s rant, we’ll explore the small things we can look forward to, and that will help us get through the day.
Dear reader, this is my daily rant, meant for myself and not for you. It’s random, unfiltered and messy. My reality is not your reality. I write these thoughts with the intention to process ideas better myself and mold my mind to my liking, and, with it my world. I share them with you in the hope they may be useful to you in some way. If you’re here, there’s a reason for it.
They have helped me beyond words to find inner peace, connect with the all, improve my relationships, remove mental blocks, heal, and alter my reality in more ways than you could possibly imagine.
My perspective will be different than yours, and that is okay. If you find some ideas interesting and useful, play with them. Build upon them. Ignore and leave out the rest. I would encourage you to make a daily habit of writing such rants according to your perspective, ideas, beliefs, desires, and personality.
Good luck, though you don’t need it.
You can find instructions and an explanation of this exercise in the following article:
On a Dark Day When All Seems Hopeless, Find Something Small to Look Forward to
When we don’t even know why to live anymore and everything seems hopeless, it is crucial to find something, however small, to look forward to and get you through the day.
What am I looking forward to today? (small joys)
Today, I’m looking forward to watching the next episode of the “Three Body Problem” TV show. I love it and can’t wait to see the next episode.
Today, I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the Dune series, which I avoided all this time, but I feel it’s time to sink my teeth into Dune Messiah. I’m ready for some more philosophy.
Today, I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter perform in her kindergarten play in the afternoon. I’m sure that will be fun.
Today, I’m looking forward to drinking my afternoon coffee with my girlfriend—a nice, quiet time in good company, with the smell and taste of those roasted beans. Good times.
Today, I’m looking forward to how good I'll feel after my workout. Although I may suffer during the workout itself, I know I’ll feel great after it.
Today, I’m looking forward to riding my motorcycle again. I can’t wait! It’s almost time to dust it off and start the biking season. I miss my bike, and as the weather clears, days on the road are back on the menu.
Today, I’m looking forward to a walk in the afternoon. As long as the weather holds, it should be nice.
Today, I’m looking forward to watching the latest UFC fights as I eat my lunch. They’ve been great lately, and it’s a good “mind-off” pause in the middle of the day.
Today, I’m looking forward to visiting my girlfriend's family this weekend. I always have fun there, and I get spoiled! I love them and actually miss them.
Today, I’m looking forward to meeting my friends this weekend. It’s been a while, and I know it will be nice to catch up.
Today, I’m looking forward to going on a camping holiday/road trip with my girls. These are always great fun, and I love how my daughter keeps asking me, “When are we going camping again?” I’m really glad she loved it. It’ll be great fun, and we’re less than two months out now.
Today, I’m looking forward to seeing the latest Japanese Godzilla movie. I’m really curious if the raving reviews are justified. It’ll be nice to see something as far away from Hollywood as possible, for a change.
Today, I’m looking forward to spending some time with my girls in the park later this week.
Today, I’m looking forward to trying out my new helmet. I can’t wait to see if it’s any good.
Today, I’m looking forward to my next meditation. Oh, how I love that peace and silence—those moments reserved just for me. I can’t believe it costs nothing.
Today, I’m looking forward to publishing this article in the hopes that it encourages just one person out there who’s having a bad day to look for things they are eagerly anticipating. If it had changed the mind of just one person, my time writing would have been worthwhile. If that person is you, I hope it helps.
What are YOU looking forward to today?
However small - make a list of everything you can think of. You can write it in the comments if you want or just for yourself.
Don’t just read my rants, write your own!
Talk to me - I want to hear from you
Do you want me to “rant” on something specific for you?
Take a minute and have some fun with this quick survey (anonymous).
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