There Is no Time, Only This Moment and That Is Enough - Daily Rant #23
A rant about time - which is nothing more than an illusion of the mind. Grounded in the present moment, we are whole, complete, and at peace.
Dear reader, this is my daily rant, meant for myself and not for you. It’s random, unfiltered and messy. My reality is not your reality. I write these thoughts with the intention to process ideas better myself and mold my mind to my liking, and, with it my world. I share them with you in the hope they may be useful to you in some way. If you’re here, there’s a reason for it.
They have helped me beyond words to find inner peace, connect with the all, improve my relationships, remove mental blocks, heal, and alter my reality in more ways than you could possibly imagine.
My perspective will be different than yours, and that is okay. If you find some ideas interesting and useful, play with them. Build upon them. Ignore and leave out the rest. I would encourage you to make a daily habit of writing such rants - in accordance with your perspective, ideas, beliefs, desires, and personality.
Good luck, though you don’t need it.
Today is a great day!
It’s Sunday, yet I feel there is so much I need to do, but it’s actually what I want to do. To hell with it. It’s Sunday. Even the “Lord” rested on the seventh day. Today is for family, fun, and free time. To hell with the rest! What a glorious day indeed!
I can’t fix the world today
Nor can I fix my bank account or my work results or achieve all my dreams. Nop. It’s not happening today, and that’s okay. I don’t have to do anything today. If I make my daughter smile, I’ve done enough. If I make my girlfriends as well, I’m on a roll. Today is not for planning. No! No planning or solving problems is allowed today. Today, I rest. Today, I have fun. Today, I laugh.
I’m only interested in today
There is no tomorrow and definitely no Monday. There is no day after tomorrow either. Nop. Today only. Head in the sand, I just don’t care. Today, I will lock myself into my time-resistant submarine and just be. Oh yes. To just be. There is nothing less, and yet, nothing more. What is the purpose of life? To live, therefore, to be. Mission achieved.
It’s okay just to be
Grounded in the moment, without a thought for tomorrow. The future will take care of itself. It doesn’t exist. It’s not real. Not yet, anyway. I don’t know what time will bring if anything at all, so I can’t do anything about it. So be it.
I am at peace, just living in the now. I give myself permission to live in the now moment, without a thought for tomorrow. Here. Now. That’s all there is.
There is no yesterday
It doesn’t exist. It’s just a memory I keep dragging to the surface. When it’s a pleasant memory, I can accept it. But why bring back bad memories? That’s insanity. No. It’s best to live in the now. What happened happened. There’s no changing the past. There’s no traveling back, either. What was is no more. Leave the past to the past.
Whatever happened, there is nothing I can do about it now. If I made a mistake, I will just have to live with it and make the best of it. If someone has harmed me, I will now leave it in the past and pretend it didn’t happen. The past isn’t real. Yesterday doesn’t exist.
It’s just today. Let the dead bury the past. Fuck it - it happened, I did that, so what? There is nothing I can do about it now except move on. Past isn’t real - it’s a memory, and I don’t have to entertain it in my mind if I don’t like it. No past!
I’m only interested in today, now, this very moment
And in this precious moment, all is okay. I have no problems. I have no fears. I have no stress. I have no anxiety. I have no depression. Nothing can survive in the moment except peace and tranquility. I now tether myself to the moment and enjoy the serenity it offers.
I can feel my anxiety and fear lift effortlessly from me. I can feel how all the problems disappear into the distant fog, out of my sight. I can feel the heaviness lift from my heart. In this moment, I am complete. In this moment, all is well. In this moment, life is good.
No time, no mind
My mind, my friend, and my enemy in one cannot survive living in the moment. It needs time to think and express itself. When I cut it off from time, it is still. It is frozen. It is tranquil. No time, no mind. When I am grounded in the present moment, I don’t think.
Thinking creates time. That’s all it is. A thought, be it a prediction of the future or a memory of the past. It’s not real. My mind makes it feel real, but that’s an illusion. Time is just the product of the mind. Silence the mind, and there is no time. Only now.
Shut the door to the past and the future and lock it tight
I’m back in my time-resistant submarine. I can see the flow of time from one end to the other. No more! I shut the door to the past and lock it tight. There goes the past. The past is no more. Gone. Not a trace left. It’s airtight. None shall slip through.
I close the door to the future. Shut tight with the sound of air being sucked out of the room. I lock it, and I feel how free and light I feel all of a sudden. I’m done with the future. I’m safe now. Safe in my time-resistant compartment. Safe from the future and safe from the past. Even my restless mind can’t penetrate these bulkhead doors!
There is no time - only today - only now
I feel my heartbeat slow down. I feel my mind settle into silence. I feel a weight being lifted from my shoulders. No time, no problems. No time, no regrets. No time, no anger. No time, no fear. No time, no nothing.
I feel this amazing settling of affairs. I feel so free and so light. I’m free of my past. I’m free of the future. I love the serenity of this moment. In this moment, I am enough. In this moment, everything is okay. In this moment, I need nothing, expect nothing, want nothing. God, I love living in the present moment.
Time has halted to a stop
It’s not flying anymore, time. It’s not even crawling. It has stopped entirely. I’m frozen in this exact moment. Not a minute forward or backward. No. Not a second. Not even a microsecond. This exact moment is all there is. I can see every movement I make as if time slowed down. I’m fully focused on my whole being.
I feel my body, and the energy is possessed. I am radiating in this moment. I feel the heat in my hands. I hear the silence in my mind. I see the nothingness within. Oh, the blessed nothingness and silence. Nirvana! Heaven on this earth. There is no time. All there is is me, right here, right now.
This moment is perfect, and this moment is all
I choose to stay right here, right now. I’m done with the past. I’m done with the future. They’re not my business anymore. I am free from time, locked in the present moment. I am free. I am serene. I am calm. I am peaceful. I am whole. I am complete. I am satisfied. I am happy. I am joyful. I am smiling. I am one with all. I am. I just am without thoughts, without time, without anything else. I just am. I am. I am. I am.
Rant over
I hope it makes you feel at least a bit more calm, light, free, and grounded in the now. I sure am. Ground yourself in the moment as often as you can.
Don’t just read my rants, write your own!
If you want to be more present and free of time, you should read the following posts:
The time-resistant submarine visualization
The art of observing your mind is essential!
Articles on the mind, stress, anxiety
Crave something else?
If you prefer to read about less esoteric topics, such as focusing on the mind, facing fears, dealing with stress and anxiety, relationships, and parenting, I would kindly refer you to ZZ Meditations, where I write about the more normal and practical aspects of life.
If even these topics aren’t wild enough for you, then I cordially invite you to step into the world of my imagination - Zediction. Here I let it loose and write fiction.