I Am Nothing But Emptiness, Translucent, Weightless, and Free - Daily Rant #26
If we imagine ourselves being mostly empty space, which is what we are on the microscopical level, we reflect the whole universe in ourselves. What we experience is relief, freedom, and inner peace.
Dear reader, this is my daily rant, meant for myself and not for you. It’s random, unfiltered and messy. My reality is not your reality. I write these thoughts with the intention to process ideas better myself and mold my mind to my liking, and, with it my world. I share them with you in the hope they may be useful to you in some way. If you’re here, there’s a reason for it.
They have helped me beyond words to find inner peace, connect with the all, improve my relationships, remove mental blocks, heal, and alter my reality in more ways than you could possibly imagine.
My perspective will be different than yours, and that is okay. If you find some ideas interesting and useful, play with them. Build upon them. Ignore and leave out the rest. I would encourage you to make a daily habit of writing such rants according to your perspective, ideas, beliefs, desires, and personality.
Good luck, though you don’t need it.
I see the truth. It’s all an illusion
I have awoken, and I see the truth. I’m not made of solid matter. There is no solidity anywhere. Everything is just a dance of particles in the vast emptiness. I look around me, and I know that I’m looking at a mental projection. I see solidity. I feel solidity, but I know there is no such thing.
The materials I touch seem firm to the hand, unmovable, and closely knit together, but they are nothing more than empty space composed of atoms, which are nothing more than neutrons, electrons, and protons dancing around the nucleus. They interact with each other by unseen forces but are never physically attached.
Space everywhere. Everything is made mostly of empty space. Element on a quantum level jumping in and out of the wave state of all possibilities, pretending they’re particles. It’s all just a game.
On the macro level, it looks real enough, but when we delve deeper, the truth is revealed. Everything is an illusion of the mind. We see what we want to see. And it’s a convincing illusion, I will admit. Take out a microscope, and a new world is revealed. A world of cells, molecules, and atoms.
Go deeper, and fundamental elements defy all material logic. It only makes sense if I accept that nothing makes sense. I use this to my advantage. I now focus on that emptiness between particles, on that empty space, and see it all around me, and whiting me.
I am translucent
I look at my arms, and I see through them. They’re nothing but empty space with tinny particles dancing around. I look at my arms, but I see the universe reflected in them. As space in the night sky is mostly empty and dark, with shiny planets and stars scattered around in the billions, the same is true for me. I am the micro to its macro. I am a replica of the universe. We are one and the same. We’re made of the same stuff.
I look at my legs, and I see through them. Nothing but empty space. Dark, vast, deep, eternal. I know they’re my legs, but I see through them. When I wave my arms through my legs, it feels as if there’s nothing there. No solidity. No mass. No weight. No resistance. Nothing but empty space.
I look at my whole body and I feel as if I’m made not even of air, but this deep, vast emptiness. It feels good. It feels free. It feels effortless. I move around in my mind, and I notice no traction. Everything can fly through me without any resistance or obstacles. This is good. I cannot be touched. I cannot be harmed. I am not a solid object but an illusion of my mind.
Change my mind, change my body
There is no permanence in my body or this world. Everything changes all the time. My body is completely new every few months. This is good. It means I can change what I don’t like. It means no disease, condition, or illness is permanent because neither is my body.
It’s all an illusion. Change my mind, see my body healthy and perfect, and in time, it will reflect that. I’ve given my cells a new ideal to strive for, and they will build it. I’m in no hurry. I have time. There is nothing solid to change, only a mental image. That is easy enough.
There is nothing to fight, only to change my mind, beliefs, and how I see my body. If it were material and solid, I would have a problem, but since it’s all just empty space, an illusion of the mind, there is no problem. My body is just a mental construct. When I change the construct, the body changes. It all happens in my mind.
I look around and see that everything is empty space
There is no solidity anywhere. I look around my room, outside my window, down on my body. It’s all just vast emptiness with dancing particles playing their game of illusion. I can see it as a firm projection, objects I interact with, or I can see them as translucent empty space. I can change this perspective from one moment to the next.
I notice that when I imagine seeing everything, especially myself, as translucent, without mass, weight, or solidity, I feel lighter. I feel a sense of relief come over me. I allow everything to pass through me uninterrupted. I don’t care. It doesn’t hurt me. It cannot touch me. There is nothing to touch. I am mostly just empty space, as is the whole of the universe.
I feel one with the all
I now understand how we are all one, made of the same elements, playing the same illusion. An illusion of separateness and solidity. It’s nice and convincing, but still only a mental projection, a dream, a simulation, an illusion. I find that comforting.
Though I see mostly empty space now, in me and around me, it’s a lovely thought. I am everything and everywhere. Everything is reflected within me. I feel this immense, unexplainable love and warmth. The emptiness is comforting. The silence is home. As I see myself as translucent and massless, I flow effortlessly through everything. Space, life, time. Nothing matters, and I can now relax.
I feel at ease being mostly empty space
I feel the weight being lifted. Lifted from my mind and from my body. I feel like I’m floating freely through space. I can move through any obstacle on my way. Effortless, lighter than air. I feel that my body is mostly empty space, and it gives me comfort.
I now understand it can easily rearrange itself into the perfect image I project in my mind. Anything I don’t like is now deleted. It is no more. It doesn’t exist. I’ve deconstructed my body into emptiness, and when it resolidifies, it will be made perfect.
I now move freely throughout the day, unbothered by anything. I’m not real. My body isn’t real. Other people aren’t real. Everything that used to bother me just floats right through me without a trace or disturbance. Effortlessly, silently, without resistance.
If someone says something I don’t like, I can see it past through me - in and right out. If a problem arises, I notice it and allow it to pass through. It can’t harm me. I’m translucent and mostly air, remember?
If I feel pain in my body, I notice it and smile. It can’t hurt me. It’s not real, and neither is my body. It’s just a signal in the mind. I see it. It’s okay. I tell it that it may pass through. I’m nothing more than empty space, invisible, untouchable, eternal.
I don’t need to heal my disease. It’s not real. It doesn’t exist. It’s just a mental projection. There is nothing to heal, nothing to fix. It’s just an illusion. When I look down at my body, all I see is empty space, and the perfection, tranquility, and peace I feel are indescribable with words.
I feel good now
I feel relaxed. I feel calm. I feel at peace. I am translucent. I am invisible. I am untouchable. I am composed mostly of air. Not even air, a wonderful emptiness. I look at myself, and all I see is the universe being reflected back at me.
I feel like nothing can hurt me. Nothing bad can happen. These are all just ideas that I took too seriously, but no more. I'm not real. My body is not solid. The world around me is just empty space. This gives me immense peace and relief.
Today, I will float lighter than air. Nothing can touch me. Everything passes through just as effortlessly as it came. I am translucent, mostly emptiness with sparking elements caught in the eternal dance.
When I look at the night sky, I see myself in it. We are one, the universe and I. Nothing matters on the grand scale of the whole universe, so nothing matters to me. Earth is just a tinny planet, barely visible. I am just a tinny speck on this planet, barely visible. I am mostly emptiness, so is the earth, and so is the universe. There is no problem. There’s no reason to worry. There is nothing that can harm me. I am safe, light, and free.
Rant over
I used this visualization often when I was in pain. I felt almost immediate relief. Physical and emotional. It also helps in dealing with hurtful words as you visualize them passing through you effortlessly. Whatever is bothering you, it will bother you less if you’re translucent and made mostly of empty space through which everything can pass without friction.
If you are trying to heal your body of some illness or condition, this visualization or realization can help you understand that healing doesn’t have to be difficult, much less impossible. It’s just a rearranging of cells on the material level, so you deconstruct yourself into emptiness and build yourself back up as you would like to be. You essentially get a new body every couple of months anyway, as the old cells die and new ones are created.
It’s fair to say that we are really mostly empty space, as the atoms of which we are fundamentally composed are just electrons, neurons, and protons flying around the nucleus, held together by invisible forces. The appearance of solid matter is indeed an illusion our minds string together to help make sense of the world.
One layer deeper, you realize you’re just elemental particles flashing from one point to another, changing form from wave function to a particle, billions of times every minute (Quantum physics). What this helps you realize is that as you are effectively recreated every moment anew, so anything is indeed possible.
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