I Must Re-frame Risk as Good and Seek More Risks in Everything - Daily Rant #19
This is my random rant, a reminder for myself of the nature of reality, where I explore challenging ideas and mold my mind. It's gonna get weird.
Dear reader, this is my daily rant, meant for myself and not for you. It’s random, unfiltered and messy. My reality is not your reality. I write these thoughts with the intention to process ideas better myself and mold my mind to my liking, and, with it my world. I share them with you in the hope they may be useful to you in some way. If you’re here, there’s a reason for it.
My perspective will be different than yours, and that is okay. If you find some ideas interesting and useful, play with them. Build upon them. Ignore and leave out the rest. I would encourage you to make a daily habit of writing such rants - in accordance with your perspective, ideas, beliefs, desires, and personality. They have helped me beyond words to find inner peace, connect with the all, improve my relationships, remove mental blocks, heal, and alter my reality in more ways than you could possibly imagine.
Good luck, though you don’t need it. You are one with infinite wisdom and power and the sole sculptor of your reality.
Today, I am a risk-taker
Today is a good day. I see opportunity everywhere. Today, I seek ways to take more risks. I know that only by opening myself up to more risk can I make progress in life. I want risk. I accept risk. I crave more exposure to risk. Wherever I go today, I will look for ways to increase risk.
I was misled regarding risk in life
I’ve been taught the wrong thing. I’ve been taught that risk is bad. Never take risks. Stay safe. Find a safe job. Buy a safe home. Invest in safe assets, or don’t invest at all because it’s risky. You could lose.
I was taught to be afraid of rejection, not to embrace it as part of life. I was taught to be afraid of losses, not taught to contain them. I was taught to avoid risk, not to manage it. I was taught to stay in place and never get anywhere instead of pushing my limits and expanding into the unknown.
Risk is good
Every new opportunity also involves risk. Anything new is risky. Anything unknown appears risky. But the truth is, no risk, no gain! In business, trading, investing, relationships, and life in general.
If I don’t take any chances, I can never reap the rewards. If I never venture outside my comfort zone, risking rejection, failure, and losses, I’ll never get anywhere. Risk is good.
Loses and rejection are part of life
They hurt, yes, but if I avoid them completely, I’ll never try anything new and accept the ultimate risk - never taking any risk in the first place. This guarantees failure, stagnation, and loss over time.
If I never take a chance on meeting new people, how can I expect to make new friends, form new relationships, or find a partner in life?
If I never risk any money, I can’t expect to make a lot of money, make good investments, and reap the rewards.
If I never risk failing, I will never try anything new and challenging.
If I never risk venturing into the unknown, how can I travel, grow, and explore new things?
Everything is risk
Applying for a new joy is risky because you could get rejected.
Quitting a job is risky because I don’t know how I’ll make money next.
Going traveling is risky. You never know what will happen and how you’ll deal with it.
Dating is risky. You could get rejected. You could waste time. You could get hurt.
Meeting new people is risky for the same reasons.
Investing is risky because you could lose money. There are no guarantees in investing.
Starting a business is risky. You could fail. In fact, most new businesses fail. But you can only succeed if you’re willing to risk failing and begin.
Riding a motorcycle is risky, but so is riding a bicycle, skiing, swimming, hiking, driving a car, or walking on the street. You’re safest locked in your basement, but is that life?
I must reprogram myself to take on more risk
I will take more chances. I will talk to more people. I will apply to more opportunities. I will venture outside my comfort zone. I will invest more money. I will take more trades. I will open myself up to more risk. I will open myself up to more rejection. I will open myself up to more failure. I will open myself up to more losses.
I am now a risk-seeking machine
I seek risk in all things. I manage risk, always, but I don’t shy away from it. I initiate contact, send out emails, make calls, and ride into the unknown. I don’t judge until I’ve tried it. I accept the inherent risk in everything. I thrive in risk.
I always manage risk
I specialize in managing risk, not avoiding it. I always make sure I’ll be okay, no matter what. I risk only what I’m willing to lose, what I can survive losing. I accept that my feelings might get hurt, and I’ve learned to deal with it. I take nothing personally.
I always try new things, but I make sure I have an exit plan. I go out into the world, but I do my research. I take chances on new people, but I don’t expect anything. I apply for new opportunities because I know I can always quit. I accept new jobs because I know I can always stop if I don’t like them. I look at the price charts and look for good places to take on risk, regardless of the outcome.
Taking the risk is within my control - the outcome is not
I can only make sure that I am open to new opportunities, be it personal or professional. What will become of them is not for me to know. Some will fail, and others will succeed.
Statistically, a lot more fail, but so what? You have to get through those in order to get through the winners. You have to lose in order to win. You have to be rejected in order to be accepted. It’s just life.
I focus on the process and let go of the results
I’m always looking to take on more risk. I manage that risk, but I don’t shy away from it. I crave risk. I want risk. I need risk. It moves me forward, pushes me, and opens new doors.
I’m not afraid of risk
I weigh it carefully. I analyze the situation. I face the fear I feel, and then I go for it. Managing risk is not the same as avoiding risk. No risk, no gain. No risk, no profit. No risk, nothing new.
I accept that I feel uncomfortable taking risks, but I do it anyway. I accept that I may fail, but I do it anyway. I take nothing personally. I know it’s all a sort of numbers game. No one only succeeds. Everyone fails, loses, and gets rejected from time to time. It’s all a part of life. I’m not afraid of risk. I accept it as inevitable. I see it as good. The more I risk, the more chances I give myself for growth, success, love, enjoyment, and wealth.
Everything is risky
If I don’t accept risk and risk failure, I can never get anywhere. I can never succeed. To hell with that! I am now a risk-taking machine! I will take all risks I can find, with limited downside!
I now realize that most things I find risky are not risky at all. The only downside is getting my emotions hurt or losing a tiny bit of time and money. So what? None of that matters, anyway. No one cares. No one remembers.
I will take the risk and whatever will come of it.
If I fail, I learn, and I try again.
If I succeed, I celebrate, and I try again on something new and more challenging. Win-win.
Life is either an adventure or nothing at all!
Rant over.
Don’t just read my rants, write your own! And take more risks in life.