Do You Want To Become a Prophet?
All those prophets who allegedly communicated with God were nothing special. What if I took some liberties and suggested you could be one, too?
Who or what is God?
Your religion doesn’t matter here because it’s quite clear that “God is all, is in all, and there is nothing that is not God” in almost all religions I can think of.
The idea of God as a separate personality seems antiquated and silly (my interpretation). Either God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, or he is nothing and never.
For the purpose of this article, we shall assume that God is real. We will describe it as energy, power, and creation that flows through everything all the time and is also available to all who want to communicate with it.
So, not at some outside, separate entity that lives somewhere above the clouds, smiting infidels to smithereens, but essentially all of the creation being one God underneath the material facade.
You may be under the impression that God called upon prophets to be his messengers. “Hey, you—yes, you! Shut up and listen, for I am God and shall use you as my messenger. Comply or die!” I know you were taught some version of this, but allow me to present a different interpretation. One—that may make more sense.
Let’s use God as the name of the whole Universe
Everything that is, all the knowledge, power, and beings are contained within this God. Yes, that includes you, me, and your neighbor's cat.
God is all, and God is good and perfect, and that would sort of imply that everything must be God, good and perfect, including the things you don’t want to call God, good or perfect, and more importantly, yourself. But alas, all means all, and perfect means perfect. Deal with it!
This also implies that God is within you, around you, and everywhere you look. You can’t see him because he’s not a person, but “all there is.” Perhaps as a form of energy, love, or some particle, we haven’t detected yet, but here nonetheless.
How does one communicate with God?
What were you taught? That prayers are the line of communication with God. Isn’t that right?
What are prayers? Are they not thoughts and words? Is it not said that God hears the prayers of all his subjects and sees everything? There’s your answer, then. It’s not that complicated.
"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." Isaiah 65:24 (NIV)
Simply address God or the Universe, infinite knowledge and power, whichever you choose, and ask what you want to ask.
It is impossible for God not to hear you. As we’ve established, God is all and in all, so God is within you all the time. You are God, or at the very least, a part of God, and therefore have a direct line of communication with him.
God either knows what you’re thinking before you think it or is directly connected with your mind through some medium we don’t quite understand (but might call the Holy Spirit, the quantum realm, subspace, the field, dark matter, etc.). How else would he know to punish you with an eternity in hell for lusting after your neighbor’s wife? Relax, it’s just a joke. I like her, too.
In any case, your communication, even when executed solely within your thoughts, cannot go unnoticed.
How to ask the question to God?
"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24 (King James Version)
The short answer is, however you like. Ask away. I don’t think you can do it incorrectly, dear friend. However, I suggest that you don’t plead, beg, or ask in a way that implies someone out there has the ability to grant your request or deny you access to information. Be assertive, convinced, relentless, and persistent.
It may help to realize that God is not some vengeful old man in the sky with a flaming sword just waiting for you to make a mistake but rather an objective, impartial force, energy, and field that simply responds to input without judgment. No one will get mad for your inquiries or demands because that is not what God is.
Ask directly, and demand answers!
You’re not begging some judgemental asshole for help; you’re ordering information and guidance from guidance-giving and infinite knowledge-containing medium. Not unlike searching with your favorite search engine (Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo…), you’re just browsing the universal knowledge, not web pages.
How will you receive answers from God?
Ah, yes, this is the tricky part. It is said that all your prayers are answered, so how come that is not your experience?
One possibility is that you weren’t susceptible to receiving information. Perhaps you expected some sort of a miracle, a burning bush with the voice of Morgan Freeman, or a sign from the sky that you have been heard. You did, didn’t you?
Before I answer this question, allow me to ask you this:
Where do you get your desires?
Where do your thoughts come from?
Where do the voices in your head originate from?
Who does the talking in your head?
Is it always you who deliberately produces the sounds and images in your mind?
If not, then who or what?
The answers from God or the Universe may come in many forms
In reality, though, they will almost always come to you in your mind disguised as new ideas, revelations, and impulses. We like to call it intuition.
You may get a new idea when you are not thinking about the problem, such as on a run or in the shower.
You will feel a strong impulse to do something, but you won’t be able to explain why.
You might feel the urge to take action, or you might feel the inspiration to write.
Someone will say or do something, and you will just know what it means.
How do we become open to receiving answers from God?
You’re usually not exactly receptive to receiving the impulses, signs, ideas, and communication from God or the Universe.
As long as you are busy thinking, talking, listening, or watching something else, you will miss the little voice inside eager to provide answers.
That is why the best ideas always come when you are relaxed, sleeping, in the shower, or performing mundane tasks that temporarily disconnect your mind.
You will receive your answers in silence and by being ever watchful of them. Ask your question, empty your mind of your thoughts, sit in silence, and await the answers.
They may come instantly or days later, but they will come
They always come; the problem is that we miss them because we are busy. Give yourself plenty of time in silence, meditation, sleep, and activities where you aren’t actively thinking.
Be open to answers, demand them, and then wait until they come. The answers to all questions and problems will come once you stop obsessing over them and rest your mind. So do it often!
Your intuition is the key, but you must unplug your mind to hear or feel it. Work on creating silence in your mind and practice listening to your intuition. Don’t focus on rational thoughts, but be mindful of sudden ideas and feelings. The Lord acts and speaks in mysterious ways, indeed.
Famous people who received answers but weren’t classified as prophets
Countless famous people, from scientists, artists, thinkers, prophets, and inventors, claimed to receive their insights from an outside source, accessible by meditation, emptying of the mind, during transitions to sleep, and other forms of meditation.
Extraordinary ideas require extraordinary measures and sources. As pure humans, we are often limited in our knowledge, understanding, and imagination. God, the Universe, the infinite knowledge containing all the information in this universe, doesn’t share this problem.
Here is a brief list to get you started
Nikola Tesla – Claimed to receive visions and detailed ideas for his inventions, often describing them as coming from a "source" beyond himself.
Albert Einstein – Spoke about his insights coming from intuition and imagination rather than logical reasoning.
Thomas Edison – Believed in tapping into a universal intelligence and was known to take "micro-naps" to access subconscious insights.
Elias Howe – Inventor of the sewing machine, who reportedly got the idea for the needle’s eye position from a dream about being attacked by warriors with spears that had holes in their tips.
William Blake – Described his poetry and art as dictated to him by spiritual visions.
Dante Alighieri – Described his epic "The Divine Comedy" as being inspired by divine visions.
Robert Louis Stevenson – Dreamed the plot for "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".
Ludwig van Beethoven – Felt that his music came from a divine source, calling himself merely a vessel.
Salvador Dalí – Used a method called "slumber with a key" to access the subconscious for surrealist art ideas.
Socrates – Spoke of his "Daimonion," an inner voice guiding his decisions.
Carl Jung – Developed his theories of the collective unconscious through visions and dreams.
You are surrounded by prophets, people who communicate with beings, energy, and Gods (or claim to) even in the modern era. Some give these entities names and properties (like aliens, ethereal beings, etc.). Others are aware they are self-caused but access information otherwise inaccessible to them.
People come back full of fascinating stories from their near-death experiences (NDE) or experimentation with mind-altering hallucinogenic drugs, where they were being guided by loving companions who explained to them the secrets of the universe. Sure, some may be making things up to get attention or sell books, but all?
These people are no different from you
They just believe they can communicate with God or other beings, and so they do. They have found ways to put themselves into receiving mode, and they do it often.
Whether you believe them or not is irrelevant. They believe it, and regardless of what they call those they believe communicate with them, coincidently or not, most receive similar answers as if from the same source, the only source - all there is. Most importantly, these are answers to questions they can’t answer themselves.
Give it a try - what do you have to lose?
Call it praying, channeling, inquiring, asking, demanding, God, Universe, aliens, ethereal beings, ancients, or whatever you might want; it doesn’t matter.
You will call it, perceive it, and receive it as something compatible with your beliefs. That’s just how this reality (khm, stimulation) works. As you believe, so it is.
Find a version of this communication that suits your belief systems, and get into the habit of asking for guidance and answers from a power vastly superior and more knowledgeable than you.
Get into a state between consciousness and unconsciousness, either through meditation or at the edge of sleep. Quiet your mind and ask your questions. Then, simply wait for answers. Don’t try to answer your questions yourself. Stop thinking, empty your mind, and be receptive to answers.
Who knows what you may uncover? It could be an adventure worth undertaking. I do it myself often, and it has yet to fail me. Most of my articles are “born” this way.
I get an idea, usually at night or first thing in the morning, and then allow it to play itself out through my fingers on the keyboard. I often seek the silence within, for it would appear this is where the divine meets the mortal.
Try out these methods
Find a peaceful time and quiet place and make yourself comfortable. The more you can unplug from this world without falling asleep, the better.
Empty your mind of thoughts. The easiest way is to observe your mind as if you are watching a movie.
Ask your question, and then don’t attempt to answer it yourself. Instead, keep asking the question and demand that God, the Universe, your chosen entity or construct, give you the answers.
Don’t expect them to come instantly; instead, allow the information to culminate in the ether. A good time to do this is right before you go to sleep or first thing in the morning.
The vital piece of the puzzle is to remain susceptible to answers, inspiration, and signs, so you must keep a calm and silent mind devoid of thoughts as much as possible.
You can also sit with an empty piece of paper, empty your mind, and ask your question. Then, allow the answers to come through your writing. You become the vessel for a higher intelligence that then writes through you.
You can also visualize meeting a “higher being” or just “a ball of light” in your meditations and asking them questions. Remember, their form and names are irrelevant, as they aren’t external beings but a part of you connected to the whole (God, the Universe, all there is, infinite intelligence, the field, a higher dimension, etc.).
You may also employ a mantra or affirmation and repeat it. Here are some suggestions for you:
“Infinite Intelligence (God, the Universe,...), show me everything I need to know.”
“I am divinely guided. I always make the right decision.”
Ask the question and keep at it, “Universe (God…) tell me exactly what to do. Give me a sign. Don’t let me miss anything.”
Some also offer their intent to the higher power, “Your will be done, not mine. I am here to serve. Tell me what to do.”
Again, the key is not to answer those questions yourself but to allow the ideas to flow to you.
Remain open, and then act on any inner hints, nudges, or intuitions you may receive. Yes, even when they don’t make much sense. These “answers” may come in infinite forms: “Go do this, call them, buy that, take a right turn, walk away from this, say these words, move, go on a trip, reach out, etc.”
Play with these ideas and turn to a higher intelligence within (or above, all around, whichever you choose) for answers and guidance.
It is said that the quality of the questions determines the quality of the answers. Focus on asking the right questions and then do nothing, with an empty mind, until you get an intuitive idea or a hunch. The waiting part is the hardest, as is trying not to solve the issue yourself.
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