AI (Grok) LOA Therapy and Coaching
We keep hearing all the raving about how useful Artificial Intelligence is, and how it’s about to steal all our jobs. So I’ve put it to the test.
Spoiler alert: it did a damn fine job!
AI (Grok) becomes my LOA coach and therapist
I’ve tried this on Grok, as I’ve been impressed with it lately, so I figured, why the hell not. Remember that AI’s output is only as good as your input.
In our case, we want to use clever prompts and give it as much information as possible. Yes, Elon now knows all my weaknesses and deepest, darkest secrets. Fuck it!
How to use AI as your coach or therapist
First, figure out what you actually want from the digital know-it-all.
What are you trying to achieve?
For me, it was to understand the mental issues, limiting beliefs, and internal barriers that keep me from making and keeping more money. I wanted to see how AI could guide me through this complex process.
Please note that I will omit personal details from prompts - you must include yours, anyway.
Use this prompt or, better yet, design your own. The more specifics and data you include, the better. If you remain general and vague, it will be reflected in useless correspondence.
Be vulnerable and open- the robot won’t judge you. ;)
The prompt
You are now an expert in the law of attraction, the law of assumption, and other mind-over-matter topics. You have overcome personal struggles and helped hundreds overcome their mental limitations, limited beliefs, and internal conflicts that prevented them from becoming more successful and wealthy.
You will perform deep research on the topics and become an expert.
You will then become my personal Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption coach and therapist.
You will then attempt to get to know me deeply and identify all the mental patterns that prevent me from becoming successful and wealthy.
You will inquire about all the beliefs you think might be my problem.
You will guide me through the process of self-evaluation.
You will examine my personal story and experiences, and then compose a theory of what I must change within my mind (NEVER ACTIONS!).
You will keep asking me questions until you believe you know everything you need to know to see my problem.
A short explanation of my story:
(This is where you tell it your problems, personal history, and why you are doing this inner work. Be as detailed as possible and include all you can think of.)
Help me. Let’s begin the therapy.
STOP reading and use this prompt yourself
You'll spend your time better working on your own issues with your new AI therapist/coach rather than reading about mine.
The following AI shortened conversation transcripts will be specific to my issues and I added them here as a showcase of how the AI guided me through the process. This was the first response in a longer line of questioning and reasoning.
Grok answers - quote:
Let’s Begin the Therapy
This is a personal and transformative process, and my goal is to get to know you deeply—your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs—so we can identify and shift the mental blocks preventing your abundance.
I’ll ask you a series of questions to guide you through self-reflection, and I need you to answer as honestly and openly as possible. There are no wrong answers; every detail you share will help us get to the root of what’s going on.
Step 1: Exploring Your Beliefs About Money and Wealth
Our subconscious beliefs about money often dictate our financial reality. Let’s uncover how you see money and wealth.
What does money represent to you? (e.g., security, freedom, success, guilt, fear, something else?)
Do you believe, deep down, that you deserve to be wealthy? Why or why not?
When you think about having a lot of money, how does it make you feel? (e.g., excited, anxious, guilty, undeserving?)
What were you taught about money growing up? (Think about what your parents or community said or believed about money.)
Do you believe money is hard to come by or scarce? Or do you think there’s plenty of money available to you?
Step 2: Understanding the Impact of Your Upbringing
Your religious background and your parents’ poverty mentality likely left a strong imprint on your mindset. Let’s explore how these influences might still affect you.
What specific teachings or experiences from your religious upbringing do you think might still impact how you view money or success? (e.g., detachment from material wealth, guilt about money, fear of “worldly” success.)
Did your parents ever say things like “money is the root of all evil” or “rich people are greedy”? How did that affect you then, and do you think it still lingers now?
Growing up, did you feel like money was always a struggle or something to fear? How did your family handle financial stress?
Do you think you’ve adopted a “poverty mentality” from your parents? If so, how does it show up in your life today?
Step 3: Examining Your Relationship with Success and Failure
You’ve noticed a pattern: you make money initially but always lose it. This suggests a possible subconscious block or fear around sustaining success. Let’s dig into that.
When you start making money (e.g., in trading or a business), what thoughts or feelings come up? (e.g., excitement, fear of losing it, doubt about your skills.)
Do you ever feel like you’re “not supposed to” have money or success? Or that something bad will happen if you do?
Have you noticed any patterns of self-sabotage? (e.g., impulsive decisions, taking big risks when things are going well.)
How do you feel when you compare yourself to your wife, who earns more? Does it bring up inadequacy, shame, or other emotions?
Step 4: Diving Into Your Trading Experience
Since trading is your current focus, your mindset around it is key. Let’s explore what’s happening mentally when you trade.
What are your thoughts and emotions when you’re trading? (e.g., confidence, fear, doubt, stress.)
Do you believe you can be consistently profitable in trading, or do you doubt your long-term success?
When you make a profit, do you feel it’s “too good to be true” or that you’ll inevitably lose it?
What’s your biggest fear when it comes to trading and money?
Step 5: Uncovering Stress Triggers and Emotional Responses
You’re always stressed about money, so let’s pinpoint what’s driving that stress and how it shapes your mindset.
What are the main situations or thoughts that trigger your stress about money? (e.g., bills, no regular income, comparing yourself to others.)
When you’re stressed about money, what do you tell yourself? (e.g., “I’ll never have enough,” “I’m a failure,” “I’m bad with money.”)
Do you feel like you’re always in “survival mode” with money, or do you ever feel relaxed and abundant?
Step 6: Exploring Your Sense of Worth and Deservingness
The Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption hinge on believing you’re worthy of what you want. Let’s check in with your self-worth.
Do you believe you’re worthy of wealth and success? Why or why not?
Is there a part of you that feels you don’t deserve money or that you’re not “good enough” for financial abundance?
How do you feel about yourself when you think about your financial situation? (e.g., proud, ashamed, frustrated.)
Step 7: Identifying Limiting Beliefs and Internal Conflicts
Based on your answers, we’ll start pinpointing specific beliefs or conflicts blocking your success. I need your input to refine this.
Do you think you hold beliefs like “I’ll never be wealthy” or “Money is always a struggle”?
Are there fears or guilt tied to having money? (e.g., fear of losing it, guilt from religious teachings, fear of judgment.)
Do you feel like you’re fighting yourself—like part of you wants wealth, but another part resists it?
Step 8: Your Vision for the Future
Let’s get clear on what you truly want and what might be standing in your way.
If you could have the perfect financial situation, what would it look like? (Be specific—how much money, what lifestyle, how would you feel?)
What do you think is the biggest mental block between you and that vision?
Next Steps
Please start by answering these questions, beginning with Step 1: What does money represent to you?
Feel free to answer as many as you can, and we’ll build from there. Once I have your responses, I’ll analyze them to form a theory about the mental patterns and beliefs holding you back. Then, we’ll use Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption techniques to transform them.
This is a process, and it might take a few rounds of conversation to uncover everything. I’m here to be patient, persistent, and supportive as we work through this together. Let’s get started—share your thoughts, and we’ll take the next step toward your abundance!
Remain open and don’t sugar coat it
I provided the answer to the question in detail. After this step, the AI coach was already summarizing correctly what might be my biggest issues, but kept on inquiring for more information. Even if the questioning stalls from its side, you can persist and AI will play ball.
I won’t include the answers because they are personal and pertinent to my situation. Suffice it to say that they were accurate and satisfactory. I ended up with fresh reflections and ideas, using about thirty pages of conversations!
Ask for suggestions about visualizations
I explained to Grok that I have a problem visualizing having money without relying on symbols of success, which enflames new issues, and instructed Grok to help me. It provided a great little explanation of my problems and ample examples of possible visualizations. The prompt below is for my issue visualizing wealth.
I have a problem visualizing wealth, having money, being abundant, and not worrying about money.
I always end up visualizing symbols of wealth, but that only triggers worries about costs and displaying wealth, like buying expensive cars and houses.
How do I visualize being well-off, having plenty of money, and being free, without those symbols?
For reference: I love travel, but I also love nice things, and I want to buy a house for my family.
Play with storytelling and scripting
While I would argue that you should write these stories yourself, AI can show you the way.
Create an imagined scene, where a future me, tell the current me, all about how it all worked out, how we got over the mental and financial hurdles, how our dreams came true and we are now wealthy, happy, free, living the life of our dreams, offering comfort certainty, and hope, maybe guidance for my current self.
Want some personalized affirmations?
Who better to design them for you, than your own AI therapist, to whom you’ve now spilled your guts, and knows you better than you know yourself. Use them for ideas and tweak them to your liking.
Make me a list of 10 personalized affirmations regarding my most significant issues (you can mention them), tailor-suited for me.
How do you think my AI coach did?
I was pleasantly surprised, although I admit that my expectations were low and that I have precisely zero experiences with actual flesh-and-blood coaches.
Play with these prompts, adapt them to your personal situation, and embark on an Artificial intelligence-assisted journey of self-exploration.
I found this interesting as I have a Law of Attraction Life Coaching business. I don't know that I would feel comfortable explaining my whole life situation with an AI system because of concerns for privacy.
I have written about how you are supposed to feel good about affirmations (and visualizations). I am glad you added the part of trying to visualize in a way that feels good. It is true that people often try to visualize or affirm things they don't believe in. That just makes them feel worse and doesn't really help in the present to get anywhere. It's basically gaslighting yourself.